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Essential oil blends

Essential oil blends - discover the power of bioactive synergy

Rely on the synergistic power of our junique a extremely effective essential blends.

In their development, we have drawn on the knowledge of aromatherapy and chosen combinations of essential oils that complement each other and enhance their effects. We have thus created completely unique aromatherapy compositions.

You can drip them into your diffuser and always have them handyin your inhalation stick . You can also make your own herbal tinctures, hair tinctures, massage blends, body and skin care products from many of the blends.

And not only that. You can also use them for washing and cleaning.

The most popular essential oil blends

We offer wide portfolio of our unique essential oil blends, each with its own specific effects and focus.

The most popular of the essential blends supporting cleansing is BEWIT Coldet. Among the mixtures supporting our resistance, BEWIT Protect and BEWIT Bodyguard are popular. BEWIT Relax and BEWIT Meditation essential blends create a calm, relaxing atmosphere

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What essential oil blends are good for promoting sleep?

To induce and support deep and restful sleep, BEWIT Deep Sleep Essential Blend is perfect

2 How often should I use essential oil blends?

The use of essential oil blends is not limited by time or otherwise. Whether you use the blends for inhalation or to prepare your own cosmetics, always follow the dosage indicated in the label.

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