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Uncaria or Cat's Claw, the Queen of
Peruvian Plants. The name comes from the curved spines that resemble a
cat's claws. Suitable for water, juices, milk, porridge, smoothies, cereals or
other dishes.
VILCACORA POWDER is available in two variants: 100 g in a glass
bottle and 350 g in a paper bag.
„Ja som Vilcacoru použila do kváskového chlebíka a za nás OK. Aj napriek horkej chuti, sa chuť chleba nezmenila. Odporúčam využiť Vilcacoru aj takýmto spôsobom.“
Vladimíra Strmenská
Uncaria is one of the most famous creeping plants found in the Peruvian
Andes. Depending on the effects found, Uncaria has become an integral part of
traditional Peruvian medicine, which for 2,000 years has played an important
role in solving various ailments, not only among indigenous tribes. According to
Indian tradition, this powerful plant was even considered the „sacred plant of
the Incas“. In the past, Uncaria bark was mainly used by the indigenous
population, which did not mean such a great loss for the rainforest. Over time,
however, the demand for this plant has multiplied significantly due to its
observed effects. Nevertheless, the Peruvian government intervened early on and
imposed annual limits. The limits set regulate the extraction of Uncaria and
thus prevent its extinction.
Origin and cultivation
Uncaria originates in Peru, specifically in the Peruvian Andes. It can be
found in the local rainforests because it grows exclusively in soil rich in
organic nutrients and requires relatively high humidity. Green rainforests full
of swamps and diverse vegetation are simply indispensable for this climbing
plant. Uncaria cannot be grown in the field or in a greenhouse, which is why it
is so rare. It is a woody climbing liana with visible woody spines or
„claws“ on its stem. The plant uses its claws to grip the trunks of trees it
climbs, without causing any harm to them. The individual spines resemble cat
claws in appearance and function. Thus, Uncaria is often referred to as
cat's claw. It can grow up to 30 m in length over decades. Its bark, from
which the resulting powder is obtained, is especially valued for its beneficial
Ingredients and properties
The uniqueness of Vilcacora lies in its exceptional composition. Uncaria is
an important source of a wide range of phytochemicals, which are contained in
the bark of this plant. Vilcacora is made from the outer part of the bark.
It is a fine brown powder that is only partially soluble in water. The daily
recommended dose of Vilcacora powder is 9–11 g (1 tbsp). A spoonful of
Vilcacora can be mixed in water, milk, smoothies or various fruit juices. You
can also add it to breakfast porridge, cereals or other dishes.
Recommended dosage
Stir 1 tablespoon (9–11 grams) daily in water, juice, milk, porridge,
smoothies, cereal or other foods. Daily intake of the Uncaria tomentosa:
9–11 g.
Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.
This product is not intended to replace a varied and balanced diet.
Keep out of reach of children.
Not suitable for children under 3 years of age or pregnant and
lactating women.
Store dry, protect from heat.
It is not recommended to take Vilcacora before or after organ
100% pure and natural ingredients.
Suitable for vegans and vegetarians
You can choose from two packaging options:
350 g in a paper bag
100 g in a glass bottle
Country of origin: Peru
SOARES PEREIRAII, 2016. Uncaria tomentosa and Uncaria guianensis an agronomic
history to be written. Ciência Rural. 46(8), 1401–1410. ISSN Maria Soares
2020. Uncaria tomentosa (Willd. ex Schult.) DC.: A Review on Chemical
Constituents and Biological Activities. Applied sciences. 10(8), 7–12.
2012. Anti-inflammatoryactivityofMitraphyllineisolatedfrom Uncaria
tomentosa bark. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 143(3), 801–804.
[4] REICH, A. et al., 2020. A spray containing extracts of oat plantlets
and Uncaria tomentosa relieves pain associated with chronic inflammatory skin
diseases and dermatological procedures. Original article. 34(2), 3–11.
CARMONAB, 2018. Aqueous extracts from Uncaria tomentosa (Willd. ex Schult.) DC.
reduce bronchial hyperresponsiveness and inflammation in a murine model of
asthma. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 76–89.
Health claims from the so-called ON HOLD list
• Normal joint condition
• Natural immunity – immune system
ON HOLD list – This is a list of substances and their relationship to
health that have been sent to EFSA for assessment but EFSA has not yet issued an
expert opinion or the EC has not yet issued a decision. Please note that these
claims are temporary.
100% pure and natural
All ingredients contained in the product are 100% pure and natural and
Our ethical approach is based on respect for all living things = we
have not, do not and will never in the future test our products on
Insect Free
The product contains no insects or parts thereof.
Laboratory tested
We check the exact composition and quality of essential oils at a
unique level in our laboratory in Ostrava. For more information on the methods
by which we discover the secrets of these unique gifts of nature, se you could find out
here . Or just take a look at the a
sample example of.
No dyes
The product does not contain dyes.
No phosphates
The product does not contain phosphates.
The composition of the product is 100% made up of ingredients that have
not been genetically modified.
Non synthetic
The product does not contain synthetic or synthetically produced
Produced with Love
The product has been developed and produced in an atmosphere of love,
harmony and with intent of giving benefit to all who use it.
The product contains nutritionally valuable superfoods, which are very
beneficial for their exceptionally high content of vitamins, minerals and a wide
range of bioactive substances.
This product is suitable for vegans. At no stage during development,
testing or production of this item were animal or dairy
products used.
Ja som Vilcacoru použila do kváskového chlebíka a za nás OK. Aj napriek
horkej chuti, sa chuť chleba nezmenila. Odporúčam využiť Vilcacoru aj
takýmto spôsobom.
BEWIT Vilcacora (CAT'S CLAW). Vďaka užívaniu ako je odporúčané som
vyprevadila s ľahším procesom všetko čo malo odísť z telíčka.
😉🙏😇💕 Ráno med a Protect B 2kv. a večer ako cítim ). Do difka čo
sa pýtalo: bodyguard, copaiba, kadidlo, levanduľa, citrón, eukalyptus, céder
aj na ľadviny – do dlani a priložila na oblasť ladvin na podporu ..”
..cítiš ,niet čo riešiť “ 🙏💕😇
Vilcacora prý dokáže zmírnit následky špatné skladby stravy. Tak to se
bude po vánocích hodit. Také snižuje záněty v těle ,což se může hodit
lidem s revmatoidní artritidou. Já přidávám Vilcacoru ráno do jogurtu
.Má lehce hořkou chuť ,ale když jogurt ochutíte třeba třtinovou šťávou
od Bewit, tak se z jogurtu stane dobrota. Doporučuji.
Kdysi jsem četla na internetu zajímavé články o Kočičím drápu a
jeho mnohých příznivých účincích. Víte, že této rostliny existuje cca
20 druhů, ale jen 2 jsou silně léčivé. Liší se tvarem svých
drápů – viz obrázky. Jednoho dne jsem si všimla, že ho máme
i v e-shopu Bewitu, tak jsem si ho objednala. Hned jak balíček dorazil jsem
Vilcacoru použila. Právě jsem vyráběla u nás oblíbenou pomazánku
z tvarohu, česneku, Spiruliny, rakytníkového oleje a soli, a „vrazila“
jsem do ní (jako Dobromila Rettigová), i 2 vrchovaté kávové lžičky
naší Vilcacory. Vůbec mě v tom tvořivém zápalu nenapadlo ochutnat ten
prášek předem. Důkladně vše promíchám, olíznu lžičku od onoho v mé
kuchyni nového produktu a zkoprněla jsem! Silná hořkost mi zkřivila ústa.
To nebude nikdo jíst! Pomyslela jsem si. Ale přece to nevyhodím – dala
jsem tam samé zdravé věci!. Misku s pomazánkou jsem uložila do ledničky,
a minimálně 2 hodiny sbírala odvahu k ochutnání mého díla. K večeru
už byla má zvědavost silnější, než obavy, tak jsem si udělala
v topinkovači toust a namazala ho vrstvou oné pomazánky. A světe div se,
přesto, že byla hořká, chutnala mi. Vzpomněla jsem si na staré úsloví,
které říká, že „co je hořké, to je zdravé“. Namotivovala jsem tím
i syna a pomazánka sklidila úspěch! Ona ta hořkost už nebyla tak silná a
dokonce dala pomazánce zajímavou chuť. Všechno jsme snědli. Příště dám
o něco méně Kočičího drápu a bude ještě lahodnější. Od té doby
jsem Vilcacoru použila i do snídaňové ovesné kaše s brusinkami a
medem – tentokrát v rozumnějším množství, a opět mi chutnala.
I v nápojích je ta mírná hořkost zajímavá. Vždyť Fernet,
Becherovka… také mnohým chutná (jako že humor). Tak se toho drápu nebojte
a zkuste ho také. Jen dejte pozor na množství a možné kontraindikace (viz.
popis u produktu). My v mojí rodině ho můžeme všichni bez problémů a
rádi používat i nadále. Vždyť je to pro zdraví.
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