
BEWIT Shungite pebbles 6-8 cm - natural water harmonizer
Mineral stone
Shungite pebbles – 100% natural treatment and harmonisation for soil.
Price per 1 piece (weight of 1 piece is approx. 101–200 g)
In stock
5,1 £
4,3 £ without VAT (20%)
Code: 9999000090001491
Curated reviews by the BEWIT Team
„Naozaj cítiť rozdiel chuti vody so šungitom a bez neho. So šungitom je voda výrazne lepšia.“

Jana Vestfalová
- Due to its excellent adsorption properties, it is suitable for water treatment and harmonization.
- Balances the pH of the water to between 7 and 7.5
- It is environmentally friendly and safe for human health.
- It is corrosion resistant.
Shungite got its name from the place where it was first found – the Karelian village of Shunga.
Tsar Peter the Great
Shungite has been used for its unique properties since the early 18th century. It was used by Tsar Peter the Great himself to treat water for the army.
In water treatment technology
Because of its unique properties, shungite has also begun to be used in water treatment technology. Apart from Russia, water treatment with shungite is widespread mainly in Norway, Sweden and America.
Northwest Russia is the largest and oldest source of shungite, with other deposits reported in Austria, India, Kazakhstan and the Congo.
Polymineral carbon rock
By virtue of its structure, shungite is a mineraloid, a non-porous polymineral carbon rock, which contains nearly half of the elements of the periodic table. To the eye, it is an opaque black stone with a more or less pronounced metallic sheen.
Spread on the bottom of the container, pour in drinking water
Spread 100g of shungite pebbles in the bottom of a glass container and pour 1 litre of drinking water into it. Leave the container with the pebbles and water in a dark place for 24 hours. Then pour the water into another clean container.
In your pocket, backpack…
For its excellent harmonizing properties you can place the shungite pebble in your pocket or backpack. You can also make an original piece of jewellery out of it.
Please note
Before each use, especially the first use, rinse the shungite pebbles thoroughly with water. After six months of use, the shungite pebbles need to be replaced with new ones. Always prepare the water in a glass or stoneware container. The possible appearance of rust spots is not a problem. These are pyrite flecks that are a natural part of shungite.
Country of origin
BEWIT Shungite pebbles 6-8 cm - natural water harmonizer
Mineral stone
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Naozaj cítiť rozdiel chuti vody so šungitom a bez neho. So šungitom je voda výrazne lepšia.
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Umiestnila som kúsok šungitu do črepníka, lebo čítala som že šungit má blahodarné účinky aj na rast rastlín aj pri pestovaní zeleniny a naozaj to funguje. Môj kvietok začal rásť rýchlejšie ako keby sa ožil.
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Vplyv minerálov na kvalitu vody ma zaujal už dávnejšie. Preto som neváhala a hneď v prvej objednávke som si objednala šungit – kameň, ktorý som najprv očistila pod tečúcou vodou, potom ho dala na slniečko a odvtedy je súčasťou môjho pitného režimu. Bola som prekvapená, keď som nášho kocúra opakovane pristihla piť práve z môjho pohára. Svoju misku s vodou väčšinou ignoruje a pije len priamo z vodovodnej batérie. Mačky sú veľmi prieberčivé a podľa neho vieme určiť aj kvalitu syrov či mäšových výrobkov. Som presvedčená o tom, že inštikt ho zaviedol k vode, ktorá je v domácnosti najčistejšia a najkvalitnejšia – k vode, ktorá je dobrá vďaka môjmu kameňu šungit.
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