„Celkově mi je díky Carbonu lépe. Na mě působí postupně a tak, abych byla stále překvapená. Všimla jsem si, že letité jizvy na těle jsou světlé, jak zbytek kůže, tak zrak se zlepšil. Vidím lépe do dálky i na blízko. Určitě se zlepšilo zažívání. Krásné.“
Lenka Bednářová
100% pure and natural
All ingredients contained in the product are 100% pure and natural and
24k Gold Essence
The product contains natural ingredients that are specially treated and
subjected to harmonic energetic-frequency effects using 24k pure gold. This is a
unique BEWIT technology that combines modern scientific approaches and
technologies with traditional spagyric and other methods. The goal is to
maximise the effectiveness of the product in which it is used.
Our ethical approach is based on respect for all living things = we
have not, do not and will never in the future test our products on
The CTEO® pictogram is an expression of the BEWIT standards and
protocols by which we check the quality of our essential oils. These include
procedures for sourcing, transporting, storing, packaging and shipping
To ensure maximum results every time, we make our essential oils from
plants that come from the best sources around the world. We select our
ingredients with an emphasis on scientific knowledge, historical wisdom, the
legacy of our ancestors and practical results.
Diamond Essence
The product contains natural ingredients that are specially treated and
exposed to harmonic energetic-frequency effects using 24k pure gold and the
mineral Shungite. This is a unique BEWIT technology that combines modern
scientific approaches and technologies with traditional spagyric and other
methods. The goal is to maximise the effectiveness of the product in which it
is used.
Gemma Complex
The product contains cold extracts from the buds of plants such as
chestnut, beech, cherry, walnut and others. You can find Gemma Complex in our
cosmetics<//span> and in Prawteins,
where we always list the exact ingredients.
Kingshill Herbs
These products contain plants and herbs from the Kingshill (Královy
hory) in Moravskoslezských Beskyd, near the village of Palkovice. These herbs
and plants are used in many of our products. We collect them in the wild where
they grow without the used of pesticides or other noxious substances. We then
dry them at low temperature (up to 42 °C) so we preserve their enzymes and
ensure we get the highest possible nutritional value from each herb
or plant.
Light Essence
The product contains natural ingredients that are specially treated and
subjected to harmonious energetic-frequency effects. It is a unique BEWIT
technology, which combines modern scientific approaches and technologies with
traditional spagyric and other methods. The goal is to maximise the
effectiveness of the product in which it is used.
Merkaba Frequency
The “Merkaba” is a Hebrew term for expressing the so called
“Sacred Geometry” of the energy body. We harmonised these products utilising
a unique frequency information procedure. These include, for
example, gemstone energy, pyramidal energy, harmonic musical frequencies,
frequencies of selected tones and tuning forks, the power of prayer, and other
harmonising practices.
Produced with Love
The product has been developed and produced in an atmosphere of love,
harmony and with intent of giving benefit to all who use it.
During the production process we use a number of principles and methods
which were first developed in ancient Egypt called “spagyria”. Its
principles are in separating plants into their primordial elements – salt,
sulphur and mercury. During these processes there is first separation, then
purification, and in the third phase reconnection in a cleaner and
stronger form.
This product is suitable for vegans. At no stage during development,
testing or production of this item were animal or dairy
products used.
The basis of PRAWTEIN
BIO, RAW fermented unroasted cocoa beans
Omega complex (BIO, RAW algae) - macerate
Dried cane juice (BIO Panela, Rapadura)
Gemma complex (BIO) - extract from tree buds
CTEO® Essential oils
Light a gold essence
Unique ingredients
Carbon Complex - activated carbon, acid. Humic..
ORGANIC RAW Pine needles - source of shikimic acid
Haematococcus pluvialis (source of Astaxanthin)
ORGANIC RAW juice powders
ORGANIC Diamond essence (part of the Carbon Complex)
Boost your body with Prawtein CARBON ELIXIR AX
Do you feel deprived of energy for long periods of time and
are you literally falling on your face?
Discover the power of special forms of carbon that your body
will use to the maximum.
Feel the rush of energy with a 100% pure complex of the most
powerful elements from pure nature.
Provide your cells with an effective protection against
oxidative stress.
Handle even the most challenging day with insight
Carbon Elixir wins a gold medal
The professional council of the UPMCA (Union of Professionals in
Complementary and Alternative Medicine) awarded BEWIT a „distinction“ in
2023: [https://bewit.love/…rbon-elixir/]in
the form of a gold medal for the dietary supplement BEWIT Prawtein Carbon
Why take Prawtein CARBON ELIXIR A+?
Thanks to Carbon Complex, you will replenish your body with a key building
block – maximum usable carbon, which will support your
energy and natural cleansing.
Pine needles contain shikimic acid. You will appreciate
this biologically active substance especially in autumn and winter.
Fermented natto beans replenish your body with vitamins and
active substances produced by fermentation.
The powerful antioxidant phycocyanin helps to protect your cells from
oxidative stress.
Organic, RAW juice powders replenish your body with necessary vitamins,
minerals, live enzymes and other beneficial substances.
Our unique spagyrically produced DIAMOND, GOLD AND LIGHT ESSENCE
potentiate the composition of Carbon Elixir and add a new
dimension to its effectiveness.
As part of the production, we apply the renowned Schumann frequency to
CARBON ELIXIR, which can bring your body and mind back into
A complex of humic acid and other bioavailable carbonaceous substances that
replenishes a key building block of the body – maximum usable
carbon. In addition to its excellent
energising properties, it has an extraordinary absorption
capacity, binding allforeign substances and helping to
remove them from the body.
We have laboratory confirmed carbon content
One packet of Prawtein CARBON ELIXIR contains** 4 200 mg of carbon**.
In one espresso teaspoon (approx. 2 g) you will replenish your body with
approximately 84 mg of carbon.
Potent shikimic acid
** Shikimic acid** – a potent, biologically active, substance from pine
needles that has received increasing interest in recent years in many areas of
research, includingbiomedical applications.
The miracle of fermentation
Fermented natto beans – a traditional Japanese dish
characterised by a high amount of naturally occurring active substances and
vitamins produced byfermentation.
Astaxanthin – an effective antioxidant that is a natural
component of the freshwater alga Haematococcus pluvialis and
protects it from undesirable environmental influences. It is
even considered the „king of antioxidants“ by many
Necessary vitamins, minerals, live enzymes…
BIO, RAW JUICE POWDERS – highly nutritious juice powders that are an
excellent sourceof essentialvitamins, minerals
and other** beneficial substances, including live enzymes,
thanks to a patented production process including BioActive Dehydration**.
DIAMOND, GOLD, LIGHT ESSENCE – unique elements of defined energy-frequency
properties, which we produce ourselves by spagyric methods that are normally
unfeasible. They are added to Prawtein to potentiate.
** 1–3 „espresso spoons“ 3 times a day** (1 espresso
teaspoon approx. 2 g). Preferably** half an hour before or two hours after a
meal**. The neck of the bottle was chosen so that a spoon larger than an
espresso spoon would not pass through it.
Maximum daily intake of vitamin D3: 3.6 µg.
Maximum daily intake of Astaxanthin:
For how long does one bottle of PRAWTEIN CARBON ELIXIR last
0,36 espresso spoon
2 espresso spoons
3 espresso spoons
1× daily
50 days
25 days
16 days
2× daily
25 days
12 days
8 days
3× daily
16 days
8 days
5 days
100 ml of Prawtein corresponds to approximately 110 g, depending on the
recipe this amount may vary slightly.
The importance of carbon as an essential element of all organic compounds,
including ourselves, was already discussed by Rudolf Steiner, who referred to it
as the philosopher's stone (in Arabic, the
philosopher's stone is called „el ixir“).
Haematococcus Pluvialis Algae (natural source of Astaxanthin)
Organic RAW Dandelion
Organic RAW Barley Grass Juice Powder
Organic RAW Lemon Juice Powder
Organic RAW Alfalfa Juice Powder
Organic RAW Tart Cherry Juice Powder
Organic RAW Carrot Juice Powder
Organic RAW Orange Juice Powder
Organic RAW Beetroot Juice Powder
Organic Lucuma Powder
Organic Black elderberry
ORGANIC RAW GEMMA COMPLEX (Helianthus Annuus Seed Oil
Castanea Sativa Mill. Bud Extract
Fagus Sylvatica Bud Extract
Prunus Avium Bud Extract
Prunus Cerasus L. Bud Extract
Juglans Regia L. Bud Extract
Malus Domestica Bud Extract
Tilia Cordata Bud Extract
Lavandula Angustifolia Essential Oil)
Organic RAW Clove
Organic Apricot Kernel Oil
Organic RAW Black Cumin Seed Oil
Organic RAW Acai Berry Lyophilized Powder
Organic RAW Coconut Water Lyophilized Powder
Organic RAW Citrus Sinensis Peel Essential Oil
Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol).
ø Nutrition facts
Per 100 g
2413 kJ / 576 kcal
47.2 g
– of which saturates
15.9 g
20.2 g
– of which sugars
18.9 g
8.0 g
< 0.1 g
% RHP per 100 g*
191 mg
1.9 mg
// *daily reference intake value of vitamins and minerals (for adults)//
per serving **
% RHP* per serving in max.**
daily dose ***
%*in max. daily dose***
Vitamin D3
1.2 μg
24 %
3.6 μg
72 %
*daily reference intake value of vitamins and minerals (for adults) **one
serving = 6 g *** maximum daily dose = 18
100% pure and natural
All ingredients contained in the product are 100% pure and natural, non-synthetic.
Own formulas and developments
We blend all essential oil blends at our headquarters in Ostrava, according to our own formulas, which are based on the most modern world studies as well as the thousand of years-of traditions of Eastern medicine.
We have the highest quality sources and suppliers
We always advocate and strive for a maximally respectful approach to the natural environment. That is to say, a gentle and as natural as possible way of growing, harvesting and processing plants. Free of herbicides, pesticides, insecticides, contaminants, chemical residues and genetic modification.
We honour the principles of AHINSA
It is a moral and religious principle of Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism, which consists in respect of all living things.
Want to add your own review? We're interested in your opinion.
Celkově mi je díky Carbonu lépe. Na mě působí postupně a tak, abych
byla stále překvapená. Všimla jsem si, že letité jizvy na těle jsou
světlé, jak zbytek kůže, tak zrak se zlepšil. Vidím lépe do dálky i na
blízko. Určitě se zlepšilo zažívání. Krásné.
Zlomila jsem si nohu. Při léčbě jsem si začala dávat tento Carbon
elixír, měla jsem velmi vyrovnané pocity a celkově jsem se uvolnila do
klidu. Carbon je všelék. Zůstanu u tohoto, díky vitamínům je teď pro mě
dobrým doplňkem.
Folosesc BEWIT Prawtein CARBON Elixir AX o data pe zi, dimineata pe stomacul
gol, il tin cateva minute sub limba pentru a fi asimilat mai bine si am remarcat
o îmbunătățire a nivelului de energie de peste zi. Daca înainte oboseam
destul de repede în a doua parte a zilei iar sera era deja foarte somnolentă
acum mă simt în formă până seara târziu, fiind foarte activă și pot să
fac mai multe lucruri. Simt efectiv că îmi susține și alimentează forța
vitală și energetică. Cred că acționează și la nivelul
neurotransmițătorilor care sunt responsabili cu starea de bine. Am adeseori
stări de bucurie, exuberanță, exaltare, entuziasm și recunoștință care
apar din senin sau în urma micilor realizări de care înainte nu prea mă
bucuram. Am remarcat că m-a ajutat și la întărirea sistemului imunitar,
deoarece nu m-am îmbolnăvit atunci când erau persoane cu viroză în
jurul meu.
Tak toto je u mě naprostá srdeční záležitost! Nejdříve jsem si
udělala kůru z Merkaba Ultimate Elixir, aby po vyčištění organismu měl
Carbon Elixir ještě lepší účinnost. Abych řekla pravdu, musím se
pořádně držet, abych nesnědla celou lahvičku najednou, tak strašně mi
chutná. Takže odměňuji 2× denně sama sebe malou lžičkou té
nejlahodnější pralinky pod sluncem. Beru teď třetí týden a poznávám
u sebe více energie, lepší náladu a taky daleko větší kvalitu
Tento olejíček jsem pořídila pro manžela, moc si přál s kouřením
přestat. Už se letos jednou pokusil, vydržel 4 dny a byla to oooopravdu
nejhorší doba našeho manželství. Takže jsem se s ním po nějaké
domluvila, že jestli to bude chtít ještě jednou zkusit, tak to uděláme
pořádně. Před dvěma měsíci ke mě přišel, že si dovolí nekouřit.
Celá šťastná jsem vytáhla olejíček a že mu budu mazat párkrát denně
nohy. No znáte chlapy ..... po nějaké té diskuzi, mi to dovolil. dala jsem
si dvě kapky olivového oleje a pět kapek EO a masírovala mu plosky nohou.
Taky jsem mu nakapala pár kapek EO na vonnou tyčinku a vysvětlila, že
v noci poběží difuzér s EO Flow B, aby se mu čistily cévy. Teď jsou to
dva měsíce bez kouření, není vůbec nervózní, lépe cítí a chutná, je
spokojený a hrdý, že to takhle zvládá. Teď si maže nohy už sám, večer
mi připomíná, ať nezapomenu zapnout difuzér, přes den chodí sám do
skříňky a bere si Prawtein. nejvíc mu chutná s CBD a C60. V kapse
u kalhot nosí inhalační tyčinku a sám si k ní čuchá, když si tabák
vzpomene. Manžel kouřil 45 let. Teď si dovolil s kouřením přestat. Jsem
na něj tak hrdá a děkuji Bewit za tuto obrovskou pomoc. Děkuji Bewit, že
i manžel poznal, jak mu Bewit prospívá. děkuji Bewit za všechno, co pro
nás dělá.
Užívala som Carbon C60 a jeho účinky na mňa boli vynikajúce-prestali
migrény, žiadna bolesť kĺbov, nová energia, zlepšenie psychiky. Tento
Carbon som si vvbrala pre jeho skvelé zloženie a musím skonštatovať, že ma
nesklamal. Zlepšila sa mi kvalita vlasov a pleti a posilnila sa moja
Carbon elixír se stal součástí naší domácnosti a plynule nahradil
C60 – vím, že se jedná o vylepšenou verzi C60. Chuť je lahodná,
taková měkčí a pocitově vnímám ještě větší vstřebatelnost. Vnímám
carbon elixír (C60) jako úžasný detoxikační prostředek, harmonizátor
působící v celém těle, tam kde je ho potřeba a omlazovač v jednom:).
Carbon elixír používám denně na špičku nože a v náročnějších
obdobích jak psychicky tak fyzicky intuitivně beru i více moca lžiček
denně. Těším se až vyzkouším verzi s astaxaninem, který užívám
dlouhodobě, protože to je jeden z nejvýznamějších antioxidantů a je mimo
jiné úžasný na stav naší pokožky a pro zdraví očí. Takto budu užívat
v jednom. Děkuji za tyto úžasné produkty!
Carbon elixír AX jsem koupila na základě vynikajících recenzí a také
proto, že obsahuje vzácný antioxidant. Po první lžičce jsem cítila
příval nové energie, zbystření reflexů a nepatrné zostření vidění.
Mám poměrně dost dioptrií na dálku, nosím kontaktní čočky, na každém
oku 8,5 dioptrie. Neřekla bych, že bych hned viděla lépe, to určitě ne,
ale zorné pole se jakoby pročistilo a zaostřilo. Celkově jsem se cítila
velice dobře. Jelikož ale nastává jaro tak chci nejprve detoxikovat a
vyčistit organismus po dlouhé zimě. S užíváním budu pokračovat po
detoxu a myslím si, že pozitivní výsledky užívání tohoto elixíru budou
ještě více znásobeny. \určitě se těším na další užívání.
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