„Náš Yoshi je, i když na to nevypadá, už starší pes. Carbon Elixir A+ dostává od Vánoc a už pár dní na něm pozorujeme velkou změnu. Začalo mu zase chutnat, opět neúnavně prohání kočky, hodně se mazlí a i procházky začínají být o hodně delší. Víme, že Prawtein Carbon Elixir A+ není levná záležitost, ale nikdo a nic nám až doteď nemohl vrátit ztracenou vitalitu a radostnou hravost našeho milovaného psího kamaráda. Podotýkám, pro všechny zvířecí milovníky, že pouze tento Prawtein Carbon Elixir A+ je jako jediný vhodný pro pejsky a kočičky, protože neobsahuje kakaové boby. Děkujeme Bewit, že pomáháš i naším zvířecím mazlíčkům.“
Mirka Krönke
100% pure and natural
All ingredients contained in the product are 100% pure and natural and
24k Gold Essence
The product contains natural ingredients that are specially treated and
subjected to harmonic energetic-frequency effects using 24k pure gold. This is a
unique BEWIT technology that combines modern scientific approaches and
technologies with traditional spagyric and other methods. The goal is to
maximise the effectiveness of the product in which it is used.
Our ethical approach is based on respect for all living things = we
have not, do not and will never in the future test our products on
The CTEO® pictogram is an expression of the BEWIT standards and
protocols by which we check the quality of our essential oils. These include
procedures for sourcing, transporting, storing, packaging and shipping
To ensure maximum results every time, we make our essential oils from
plants that come from the best sources around the world. We select our
ingredients with an emphasis on scientific knowledge, historical wisdom, the
legacy of our ancestors and practical results.
Diamond Essence
The product contains natural ingredients that are specially treated and
exposed to harmonic energetic-frequency effects using 24k pure gold and the
mineral Shungite. This is a unique BEWIT technology that combines modern
scientific approaches and technologies with traditional spagyric and other
methods. The goal is to maximise the effectiveness of the product in which it
is used.
Gemma Complex
The product contains cold extracts from the buds of plants such as
chestnut, beech, cherry, walnut and others. You can find Gemma Complex in our
cosmetics<//span> and in Prawteins,
where we always list the exact ingredients.
Kingshill Herbs
These products contain plants and herbs from the Kingshill (Královy
hory) in Moravskoslezských Beskyd, near the village of Palkovice. These herbs
and plants are used in many of our products. We collect them in the wild where
they grow without the used of pesticides or other noxious substances. We then
dry them at low temperature (up to 42 °C) so we preserve their enzymes and
ensure we get the highest possible nutritional value from each herb
or plant.
Light Essence
The product contains natural ingredients that are specially treated and
subjected to harmonious energetic-frequency effects. It is a unique BEWIT
technology, which combines modern scientific approaches and technologies with
traditional spagyric and other methods. The goal is to maximise the
effectiveness of the product in which it is used.
Merkaba Frequency
The “Merkaba” is a Hebrew term for expressing the so called
“Sacred Geometry” of the energy body. We harmonised these products utilising
a unique frequency information procedure. These include, for
example, gemstone energy, pyramidal energy, harmonic musical frequencies,
frequencies of selected tones and tuning forks, the power of prayer, and other
harmonising practices.
Produced with Love
The product has been developed and produced in an atmosphere of love,
harmony and with intent of giving benefit to all who use it.
During the production process we use a number of principles and methods
which were first developed in ancient Egypt called “spagyria”. Its
principles are in separating plants into their primordial elements – salt,
sulphur and mercury. During these processes there is first separation, then
purification, and in the third phase reconnection in a cleaner and
stronger form.
This product is suitable for vegans. At no stage during development,
testing or production of this item were animal or dairy
products used.
The basis of PRAWTEIN
BIO Shea Butter
Omega complex (BIO, RAW algae) - macerate
Dried cane juice (BIO Panela, Rapadura)
Gemma complex (BIO) - extract from tree buds
CTEO® Essential oils
Light a gold essence
Unique ingredients
Carbon Complex - activated carbon, acid. Humic…
ORGANIC RAW Pine needles - source of shikimic acid
ORGANIC Blue spirulina
ORGANIC RAW juice powders
ORGANIC Diamond essence (part of the Carbon Complex)
Boost your body with Prawtein CARBON ELIXIR
Do you feel drained of energy for long periods of time and
are you literally falling on your face?
Discover the power of special forms of carbon that your body
will use to the maximum.
Feel the rush of energy with a 100% pure complex of the most
powerful elements from pure nature.
Provide your cells with an effective protection against
oxidative stress.
Handle even the most challenging day with insight
Carbon Elixir wins a gold medal
The professional council of the UPMCA (Union of Professionals in
Complementary and Alternative Medicine) awarded BEWIT a „distinction“ in
2023: [https://bewit.love/…rbon-elixir/]in
the form of a gold medal for the dietary supplement BEWIT Prawtein Carbon
Why take Prawtein CARBON ELIXIR A+?
Thanks to Carbon Complex, you will replenish your body with a key building
block – maximum usable carbon, which will support your
energy and natural cleansing.
Pine needles contain shikimic acid. You will appreciate
this biologically active substance especially in autumn and winter.
Fermented natto beans replenish your body with vitamins and
active substances produced by fermentation.
The powerful antioxidant phycocyanin helps to protect your cells from
oxidative stress.
Organic, RAW juice powders replenish your body with necessary vitamins,
minerals, live enzymes and other beneficial substances.
Our unique spagyrically produced DIAMOND, GOLD AND LIGHT ESSENCE
potentiate the composition of Carbon Elixir and add a new
dimension to its effectiveness.
As part of the production, we apply the renowned Schumann frequency to
CARBON ELIXIR, which can bring your body and mind back into
A complex of humic acid and other bioavailable carbonaceous substances that
replenishes a key building block of the body – maximum usable
carbon. In addition to its excellent
energising properties, it has an extraordinary absorption
capacity, binding allforeign substances and helping to
remove them from the body.
We have laboratory confirmed carbon content
One packet of Prawtein CARBON ELIXIR contains** 4 200 mg of carbon**.
In one espresso teaspoon (approx. 2 g) you will replenish your body with
approximately 84 mg of carbon.
Potent shikimic acid
** Shikimic acid** – a potent, biologically active, substance from pine
needles that has received increasing interest in recent years in many areas of
research, includingbiomedical applications.
The miracle of fermentation
Fermented natto beans – a traditional Japanese dish
characterised by a high amount of naturally occurring active substances and
vitamins produced byfermentation.
Phycocyanin – an effective bioavailable
antioxidant naturally contained in Blue Spirulina, which
contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress.
Necessary vitamins, minerals, live enzymes…
BIO, RAW JUICE POWDERS – highly nutritious juice powders that are an
excellent sourceof essentialvitamins, minerals
and other** beneficial substances, including live enzymes,
thanks to a patented production process including BioActive Dehydration**.
DIAMOND, GOLD, LIGHT ESSENCE – unique elements of defined energy-frequency
properties, which we produce ourselves by spagyric methods that are normally
unfeasible. They are added to Prawtein to potentiate.
** 1–3 „espresso spoons“ 3 times a day** (1 espresso
teaspoon approx. 2 g). Preferably** half an hour before or two hours after a
meal**. The neck of the bottle was chosen so that a spoon larger than an
espresso spoon would not pass through it.
For how long does one bottle of PRAWTEIN CARBON ELIXIR last
1 espresso spoon
2 espresso spoons
3 espresso spoons
1× daily
50 days
25 days
16 days
2× daily
25 days
12 days
8 days
3× daily
16 days
8 days
5 days
100 ml of Prawtein corresponds to approximately 110 g, depending on the
recipe this amount may vary slightly.
The importance of carbon as an essential element of all organic compounds,
including ourselves, was already discussed by Rudolf Steiner, who referred to it
as the philosopher's stone (in Arabic, the
philosopher's stone is called „el ixir“).
// *daily reference intake value for vitamins and minerals (for adults)//
100% pure and natural
All ingredients contained in the product are 100% pure and natural, non-synthetic.
Own formulas and developments
We blend all essential oil blends at our headquarters in Ostrava, according to our own formulas, which are based on the most modern world studies as well as the thousand of years-of traditions of Eastern medicine.
We have the highest quality sources and suppliers
We always advocate and strive for a maximally respectful approach to the natural environment. That is to say, a gentle and as natural as possible way of growing, harvesting and processing plants. Free of herbicides, pesticides, insecticides, contaminants, chemical residues and genetic modification.
We honour the principles of AHINSA
It is a moral and religious principle of Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism, which consists in respect of all living things.
Want to add your own review? We're interested in your opinion.
Náš Yoshi je, i když na to nevypadá, už starší pes. Carbon Elixir A+
dostává od Vánoc a už pár dní na něm pozorujeme velkou změnu. Začalo mu
zase chutnat, opět neúnavně prohání kočky, hodně se mazlí a
i procházky začínají být o hodně delší. Víme, že Prawtein Carbon
Elixir A+ není levná záležitost, ale nikdo a nic nám až doteď nemohl
vrátit ztracenou vitalitu a radostnou hravost našeho milovaného psího
kamaráda. Podotýkám, pro všechny zvířecí milovníky, že pouze tento
Prawtein Carbon Elixir A+ je jako jediný vhodný pro pejsky a kočičky,
protože neobsahuje kakaové boby. Děkujeme Bewit, že pomáháš i naším
zvířecím mazlíčkům.
Elixír života, tak bych nazvala tento produkt Bewit Carbon elixír, který
jsem si objednala na základě videa na YouTube. Užívám více jak týden a
už cítím neskutečnou energii, zklidnila jsem se, pleť začínám mít
lepší. Žiji na jihu Francie a balíček dorazil velmi brzy za týden jsem ho
měla doma super zabalený. Jsem nadšená a budu pokračovat dále s dalšími
produkty. Dekuji za tento produkt jelikož jsem měla naprosto rozhozenou
imunitu po očkování a věřím že firma Bewit mi pomůže dat se
Tady musím smeknout, Carbon Elixir s karobem místo kakaa je bomba pro
naše čtyřnohé mazlíčky, karob oproti kakau není pro zvířata toxicky,
ale přináší své benefity! Dávám nejen našemu štěněti, ale i našim
12-ti letým Yorkům, kteří se mohou těšit vitalitě, energii a dobrému
zdraví. Imunita, kvalitní srst, energie a hodně pevné zdraví a to vše
s molekulou c60.
Speciální verze Carbon Elixíru BEZ kakaových bobů, která je vhodná pro
všechny 4-nohé členy rodiny, protože obsahuje karobový prášek, který
není toxický pro zvířata jako kakaové boby. Od doby co je na trhu, denně
dáváme našim pejskům. Vitaminy, minerály, enzymy a molekula c60 pomáhají
posilovat imunitu nejen v tomto zimním období, zlepšuje kvalitu srsti
i sportovní výkony a energii našeho neunavného Orryho (Border Collie).
I naši Yorci se těší plného zdraví bez problému v jejich 13ti
Je vhodný i pro všechny kteří jsou alergičtí a pro ty, co jim kakao
nedělá dobře.
Carbon elixír A+ dáváme pejskovi od maminky / 14 let, daří se mu snad
lépe než před 3 lety. Už skoro nechodil a už občas nestihl ani ven
vyvencit, nyní si užívá jara a procházek plnými doušky 🙏🐶 Děkujeme
nejen za všechny pejsky 🐶❤️, že si mohou užívat důstojně
stáří ❣️🐶
SuperDent, je opravdu s výstižný názvem. Velké S i velké D jsou
oprávněně. Pasta je jemná a silná zároveň. Tím, že jsem si dlouho
čistila zuby kokosákem s Dentem, tak za mne i jemná pěnivost je tak
akorát. Vůbec se mi nechtělo přestat čistit zuby a cítila jsem v ústech
báječnou chuť našeho oblíbeného Carbonu, který doma musí být vždy a
stále i ve variantě pro 🐶A+, který jej miluje. Ráno vrtí ocasem a jak
vidí lahvičku a malou lžičku, obrátky ocasu se roztočí naplno. C60 pastu
teď budu s vděčností používat večer a Strong, když jdu do společnosti.
Klidně za mne stačí i méně než mám na fotce na špachtličce. Velké
díky a poklona za čas, úsilí, obal, vytrvalost, technologii a vše s tím
spojené.. 🙏🌈💎
Carbon Elixir A+ som objednala na základe popisu zloženia a recenzií
nášmu onedlho 14 ročnému yorkovi Eddiemu. Užívame zhruba 1 týždeň.
Veľmi mu chutí. Spočiatku som mala trošku obavu, či mu bude chutiť
nakoľko má od šteniatka s jedením problémy. Verím, že mu pomôže,
skvalitní a predľži jeho život s nami 🙏🏼❤️
Kupila som môjmu psíkovi 🐶a ako mu chutí,berie ho len 3 dni a už sa
mi zdá taký čulejší ❤️
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