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Prawtein B-IN wakes up your control centre for maximum
concentration. With all the ingredients contained, it creates a comprehensive
product for mental and physical support, and of the highest
possible quality.
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23,0 £
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BP: 22.66
Code: 3502000010000042
Curated reviews by the BEWIT Team
„Prawtein Be-in jsem si oblibila hned od prvniho dne. Již po několika minutách konzumace vždy pociťuji výrazné zvýšení energie. Společně s použitím různých směsí v aroma difuzéru je to úžasná kombinace na pozvednutí nálady a produktivity během dne. Prawteiny na mě působí jako energetická bomba! Děkuji Bewit za tyto vynikající výživné produkty!
Jana Mlcochova
The basis of PRAWTEIN
BIO, RAW fermented unroasted cocoa beans
Omega complex (BIO, RAW algae) - macerate
Dried cane juice (BIO Panela, Rapadura)
Gemma complex (BIO) - extract from tree buds
CTEO® Essential oils
Light a gold essence
Unique ingredients
BIO RAW Turmeric
BIO RAW Rose hip
BIO RAW Stinging Nettle
BIO RAW Flaxseed
BIO RAW Hemp Seed
BIO RAW Oregano
PRAWTEIN B-IN contains a blend of herbs for intense concentration, thinking
and learning
Take care not only of your body, but also of your mind. Surrender to the
power of inspiration. Feel the energy of nature awakening your control
Perennial turmeric, all-encompassing rose hip, versatile nettle, beneficial
flaxseed, and many other essential herbs form an indispensable part of Prawtein
B-IN. TDepending on its composition, it can provide valuable support in
alleviating troublesome forgetfulness.
„Leave it to nature. Live consciously HERE AND NOW.“
Cocoa beans – the irreplaceable basis in all of the prawtein range
The basic ingredient of Prawtein is 100% natural ORGANIC RAW
fermented non – roasted cocoa beans. After drying in the sun, these
cocoa beans are peeled and crushed into nibs. These are then ground with the
other ingredients into a uniform mass – the resulting prawtein – in the
gentlest way possible.
Non – roasted cocoa beans themselves are an important
source of not only a wide range of vitamins, minerals and
valuable phytonutrients, but also quality cocoa butter, plant
proteins and effective antioxidants. In
addition, cocoa beans of this quality are the best natural source of large
amounts of easily digestible magnesium and the necessary organic
Extracts from seaweed and plant buds
BIO RAW OMEGA COMPLEX enriches the composition of the
product with valuable, easily absorbed extracts from BIO certified
seaweed. These come from the west coast of Ireland, i.e. from
the cleanest waters of the North Atlantic. Extracts from the buds, which are
part of the BIO RAW GEMMA COMPLEX, complement the
product's composition with substances involved in the protection and
construction of new plant systems.
Together with certified CTEO® essential oils, dried
herbs, exceptional superfoods and natural
sweeteners, our Prawteins represent a completely unique product of the
highest possible quality.
11 reasons to choose PRAWTEIN B-IN
It contains a blend of herbs for intense concentration, thinking and
Guaranteed to satisfy both vegetarians and vegans
It is made exclusively from natural ingredients of the highest quality.
It does not contain any synthetic colouring, fillers, stabilisers,…
Most of the ingredients are BIO RAW certified quality and many also come
from the wild.
The herbs and buds are hand-picked at the foot of the Beskydy Mountains and
dried in the sun.
Contains CTEO® therapeutic grade essential oils.
Process temperatures do not exceed 42°C, which is the most gentle
processing method known to date.
It is produced in small batches in our production plant in Ostrava.
Cultivation, production, testing and inspection involve a high proportion of
manual labour.
Each Prawtein is produced with love and tender care by all involved.
Prawtein is still living
Gentle handling, 100% natural raw materials and low processing temperatures.
This is the combination that keeps the Prawtein with maximum amount of
vital enzymes = still alive.
Evidence of this vitality can be seen in the slight enzymatic changes
in texture and aroma. This is despite the fact that the composition of
the Prawteins is completely unchanged… Even in the wild, these changes are
natural and desirable.
Every Prawtein is completely safe. It is helped by naturally
occurring antioxidants, a high proportion of quality fats and essential
substances with a self-preserving activity.
Without tempering and with patina on the surface
In order to comply with the RAW product principles, the so-called tempering
is omitted during production. This usually takes place at temperatures of around
47 °C or more. The cocoa butter then naturally forms relatively stable,
sharp-edged crystals and the partially released fat can rise to the surface of
the product = patina.
Each Prawtein contains different ingredients that can colour the resulting
patina in different shades**. However, these are not at all detrimental.
Beige shades – superfoods, such as maca peruviana,
Green shades – herbs (Gynostemma pentaphyllum, stinging
nettle,…) or seaweeds (saw palmetto, Atlantic spirulina,…).
And other colour shades that vary depending on the type of
A completely unique production of Prawteins
BEWIT® PRAWTEIN® products fulfil all RAW principles –
with the most environmentally friendly technology of today, we regulate the
temperature of the production process so that it does not exceed 42°C. This
prevents the loss of valuable, heat-labile substances and naturally occurring
enzymes = no unnecessary degradation of the final product.
We have designed the composition of the Prawteins themselves so that
not a single pinch of stabilisers, artificial colourings, fillers and
other synthetic substances are needed. We have based our development
and production on the latest science, current scientific studies and procedures,
as well as the experience of our ancestors. We also adhered to the
principles of SPAGYRIA – perfect plant processing techniques that
are not commonly practiced.
An essential part are also completely unique elements LIGHT
ESSENCE and GOLD ESSENCE, which we use 24k gold in their production. However,
the precise manufacturing processes are a BEWIT® trade secret.
One to two small (espresso) „spoonfuls“ 3 times a day. The neck of the
bottle was chosen so that a spoon larger than an espresso spoon would not pass
through it.
100 ml of Prawtein is equivalent to approximately 110 g, depending on the
recipe this amount may vary slightly.
All ingredients contained in the product are 100% pure and natural and
24k Gold Essence
The product contains natural ingredients that are specially treated and
subjected to harmonic energetic-frequency effects using 24k pure gold. This is a
unique BEWIT technology that combines modern scientific approaches and
technologies with traditional spagyric and other methods. The goal is to
maximise the effectiveness of the product in which it is used.
Our ethical approach is based on respect for all living things = we
have not, do not and will never in the future test our products on
The CTEO® pictogram is an expression of the BEWIT standards and
protocols by which we check the quality of our essential oils. These include
procedures for sourcing, transporting, storing, packaging and shipping
To ensure maximum results every time, we make our essential oils from
plants that come from the best sources around the world. We select our
ingredients with an emphasis on scientific knowledge, historical wisdom, the
legacy of our ancestors and practical results.
Gemma Complex
The product contains cold extracts from the buds of plants such as
chestnut, beech, cherry, walnut and others. You can find Gemma Complex in our
cosmetics<//span> and in Prawteins,
where we always list the exact ingredients.
Light Essence
The product contains natural ingredients that are specially treated and
subjected to harmonious energetic-frequency effects. It is a unique BEWIT
technology, which combines modern scientific approaches and technologies with
traditional spagyric and other methods. The goal is to maximise the
effectiveness of the product in which it is used.
Merkaba Frequency
The “Merkaba” is a Hebrew term for expressing the so called
“Sacred Geometry” of the energy body. We harmonised these products utilising
a unique frequency information procedure. These include, for
example, gemstone energy, pyramidal energy, harmonic musical frequencies,
frequencies of selected tones and tuning forks, the power of prayer, and other
harmonising practices.
Produced with Love
The product has been developed and produced in an atmosphere of love,
harmony and with intent of giving benefit to all who use it.
During the production process we use a number of principles and methods
which were first developed in ancient Egypt called “spagyria”. Its
principles are in separating plants into their primordial elements – salt,
sulphur and mercury. During these processes there is first separation, then
purification, and in the third phase reconnection in a cleaner and
stronger form.
This product is suitable for vegans. At no stage during development,
testing or production of this item were animal or dairy
products used.
With certified bio/organic ingredients
The product contains BIO certified ingredients.
ø Nutrition facts
Per 100 g
2337 kJ / 565 kcal
49.8 g
– of which saturates
18,4 g
– of which monounsaturated fatty acids
31,5 g
– of which polyunsaturated fatty acids
8,1 g
16,7 g
– of which sugars
13,3 g
12,4 g
<0,2 g
% *RHP per 100 g
191 mg
1.9 mg
// *daily reference intake value for vitamins and minerals (for adults)//
100% pure and natural
All ingredients contained in the product are 100% pure and natural, non-synthetic.
Own formulas and developments
We blend all essential oil blends at our headquarters in Ostrava, according to our own formulas, which are based on the most modern world studies as well as the thousand of years-of traditions of Eastern medicine.
We have the highest quality sources and suppliers
We always advocate and strive for a maximally respectful approach to the natural environment. That is to say, a gentle and as natural as possible way of growing, harvesting and processing plants. Free of herbicides, pesticides, insecticides, contaminants, chemical residues and genetic modification.
We honour the principles of AHINSA
It is a moral and religious principle of Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism, which consists in respect of all living things.
Tento prawtein som si kúpila v akcií. Bola som zvedavá, čo to so mnou
dokáže ešte viac spraviť, keďže c60 užívam pravidelne už tri mesiace.
Predvčerom som sa zobudila celkom dosť nevyspatá po asi len 6 hodinách
spánku, čo bežne nezvyknem. Zapla som notebook a začala pracovať a popri
tom ujedať tento prawtein. Je veľmi chutný a preto som sa aj pozabudla a
zjedla behom chvíle asi pol fľašky. Po chvíľke prišiel obrovský príval
energie a mala som pocit, že mozog mi funguje na 300%. Viem, že za to môže
len a len tento prawtein, keďže som v ten deň málo spala, ráno som bola
ospalá a bez energie, dovtedy som ani nič nejedla iba pila vodu. Nemohlo to
spôsobiť čo iné než tento B-IN prawtein. Teraz, keď píšem túto recenziu
tak ujedám druh fľašku a chystám sa pracovať a teším sa na výsledky.
Zkouším postupně 5 prawteinů, všechny mě moc chutnají, každé ráno
mám rituál a těším se na čokoládové malé lžičky. Nejvíce se, ale
těším na prawtein B-IN. Ten mě oslovil nejvíce, lahodný, jemný, kouzelný
prostě. Není důležité, asi tady psát jak jsou prospěšné, každý si
musí najít to pravé pro sebe sám. Mě tyto výrobky dělají dobře
celostně, komplexně a vědomě. Děkuji firmě Bewit za jejich produkty a
prodejní dokonalý systém.
Különösen finom ez a prawtein. Lágy, könnyen kanalazható, vigyázni
kell, nehogy túl hamar elfogyjon😀. Mivel fő alkotó elemei megtalálhatók
vadon a kontinentális éghajlaton, az európai embernek fontos a fogyasztásuk.
A kurkumával nem így van, de az meg eredményesen termeszthető fóliában,
üvegházban. Magam is termesztem rokonával a gyömbérrel együtt. Szóval aki
szeretne energiadús lenni, ezt ne hagyja ki. A csalán és a kender pedig
kvarc forrás, azaz fényt hoz mindennapjainkba. Hála!
Nejdříve jsem se nějak nemohla ztotožnit s chutí těch kakaových
bobů, ale když se lahvička ocitla v teplejším prostředí a obsah
„povolil“, rozvinuly se chutě a je to velká ňamka, spíš se držím,
abych nesnědla najednou :-))) Všimla jsem si určitě lepšího
soustředění, více energie a také lepší kvality vlasů. Budu pokračovat
nadále a vyzkouším samozřejmě i jiné :-)
B-In je velmi chutný a jeho konzistence je trochu řidší, ale dobře se
dostává na lžičku. Dávám si 2–3 č.lžičky denně a jeho pomocí se mi
lépe uspořádavájí myšlenky a vnímání důležitých záležitostí.
Dokoupím ještě EO Memory, abych posílila účinky. Děkuji Bewitu za ty
skvělé dary.
Keďže smerujeme k absolútnej dokonalosti, dúfam, že moje hodnotenie
nebude považované za odťažité. Chcem totiž vylepšiť slovenskú verziu
sprievodného textu. V časti „Dávkovanie“ je použité slovné spojenie
„v závislosti na receptúre“. Chcel by som prekladateľa upozorniť na to,
že v slovenčine je správne spojenie „v závislosti od receptúry“.
Predložku „na“ slovenčina používa v spojení „záleží na tom“.
Veľmi si vážim prácu prekladateľa – toto berte ako pripomienku, ktorá
posúva jeho prácu k už zmieňovanej dokonalosti. B-IN mi chutí a verím aj
v jeho účinnosť – posmelil ma k napísaniu tejto poznámky. (K výberu
fotografie: Volga bola mojím prvým automobilom a Miško je mojím prvým
vnukom.) Ivan Kusý
Több prawteint fogyasztottam már,ennek a leglágyabb az állaga,apró
darabkákkal. Íze kissé fűszeres, nem találtam ki mit érzek benne,de nagyon
ízlik,kissé kesernyés. Utóbbi időben furcsa nyomást éreztem a
fejemben,mintha eldugult volna az orrom,füleim egyszerre. Kb 2 hete
fogyasztom,már nincs ez a rossz érzés ,nagyon örülök neki :)
Keďže dcéra má veľmi náročné obdobie v škole tak začala užívať
prawteiny na podporu a a samozrejme aj olejceky antis, bodyguard, courage a
samozrejme aj my doma už opakovane breath, Dent, kadidlo, nopu, nohepa, nopaba,
Mig, moon, wloss a ja už druhé balenie C60 a sme spokojní ❤️ Dakujem za
skvelé produkty
Prawtein Be-in jsem si oblibila hned od prvniho dne. Již po několika
minutách konzumace vždy pociťuji výrazné zvýšení energie. Společně
s použitím různých směsí v aroma difuzéru je to úžasná kombinace na
pozvednutí nálady a produktivity během dne. Prawteiny na mě působí jako
energetická bomba! Děkuji Bewit za tyto vynikající výživné produkty!
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