
Linum Usitatissimum Seed Oil

One of the rarest oils, which is also one of the richest sources of fatty acids, cold-pressed oil in BIO grade. They are a reservoir of energy and many unique substances and nutrients.

EU bio BIO zebra


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Code: 4100000025000002

100% pure and natural

100% pure and natural

All ingredients contained in the product are 100% pure and natural and non-synthetic.


"The ‚oil of the third millennium‘ has a yellow-gold colour and a slightly nutty taste with bitter undertones. You can work magic with it exclusively in the cold kitchen. Made with love and care in our production plant in Ostrava.


More than 7000 years ago

The benefits of linseed and its products have been known for more than 7000 years. The very Latin name „Linum usitatissimum“ speaks of the versatility and usefulness of this oilseed from whose seeds linseed oil is obtained.

The beneficial effects were written down by Hippocrates himself

The famous Hippocrates, who is considered the father of medicine, did not give up on this fluid miracle. In his medical writings, the Corpus Hippocraticum, he wrote down in detail all the beneficial effects of linseed oil. The individual writings contain valuable information and recommendations for both external and internal use.

Even the pomace, or waste product from the pressing of the oil, was not wasted. Thanks to their high nutritional value they were added to the feed for the cattle of the time.

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Cultivation and origin

Linseed oil is one of the rarest oils

Linseed is a relatively well-known and widespread oilseed. In the wild, it is not to be missed. It grows to a height of almost one metre and produces beautiful sky-blue flowers with a slight white tinge.

The fruit of the linseed plant is a crumbling or closed capsule. Inside the capsule are dark brown, oval-shaped grains from which the resulting oil is pressed. Up to 7 kg of linseed are used per litre of quality oil. This is why linseed oil is one of the rarest oils.

The seeds from which we press linseed oil come from India.

Composition and properties

Linseed oil is considered one of the richest sources of essential fatty acids. It has earned the name "oil of the third millennium ". The uniqueness of this yellow-golden oil lies primarily in its high content of the omega-3 fatty acid α-linolenic acid, which is present** in up to 55%.** The omega-6 fatty acid linoleic acid makes up 13%. These acids form an indispensable part of a balanced diet and contribute to achieving the ideal ratio of essential fatty acids intake.

Nutrient-packed food

Essential fatty acids cannot be created by the body on its own, so they must be consumed in the diet. Together with the other biologically active substances contained in the oil, this RAW cold-pressed oil is literally a nutrient-packed food.

Read carefully

While the high content of essential fatty acids is behind the exceptional nutritional properties of linseed oil, their significant disadvantage is that they are easily perishable. Therefore, store it in a fridge immediately upon receipt and consume within 3 months. Keep the linseed oil in its original dark glass bottle for the entire storage period.

The spoilage processes accompanying the development of a highly bitter taste are a natural characteristic of linseed oil. However, by proper storage, the onset of these processes can be delayed as much as possible.


In vegetable and legume salads, on crusty bread, in yoghurt and cottage cheese

Freshly pressed linseed oil is typical for its slightly nutty flavour with lingering bitter undertones. It is used exclusively in cold cooking because its beneficial substances are sensitive to high temperatures. It is excellent in combination with cold vegetable and legume salads. We recommend it to sprinkle on crusty bread or other favourite pastries. You can also stir a tablespoon of linseed oil into yoghurt and cottage cheese.

Czech botanical name: Len setý
English name: Linseed oil
Latin name: Linum Usitatissimum Seed Oil
Made in: Czech Republic


[1] MEMON, M Ashraf et al., 2016. Trachyspermum Ammi and Linum Usitatissimum are medicinal herbs used as hypolipidemic agents which protect against coronary artery disease. Medeniyet Medical Journal. 31(4), 282–286.

[2] GUI, Bo et al., 2012. Identifi­cation and Quantification of Cyclolinopeptides in Five Flaxseed Cultivars. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 60(35), 8571–8579.

[3] DE SOUZA FRANCO, Eryvelton et al., 2012. Effect of a Semisolid Formulation of Linum usitatissimum L. (Linseed) Oil on the Repair of Skin Wounds. Research Article. 1–7.

[4] OMAH, B. Dave, Edward O. KENASCHUK, and Giuseppe MAZZA, 1997. Tocopherols in Flaxseed. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 45, 2076–2080.

ø Nutrition facts

  Per 100 ml
Energy 3367 kJ / 819 kcal
Fats 100 g
– of which saturates 8.5 g
Carbohydrates 0 g
– of which sugars 0 g
Protein 0 g
Salt <0.1 g

fatty acid content

palmitic acid 6.0%
stearic acid 5.7%
oleic acid 20.0%
linoleic acid 13.1%
alpha-linolenic acid 49.1%




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