Just like a morning cup of coffee, this oil has the power to wake up your skin, where it is easily absorbed and leaves it fresh, plumped and velvety to the touch. In addition to these benefits, it will also lend you an unmistakable coffee scent that will tune your senses and give you a much needed boost of energy. ¨

The miracle of caffeine

The bioactive substances contained in coffee oil are the most important contributors to its legendary benefits of being an invigorating, refreshing and highly aromatic oil. One such important substance found in coffee oil is caffeine. It may be able to promote microcirculation and temporarily tighten the skin, making it appear firmer and tighter. The astringent effect of caffeine can also minimise the visibility of cellulite in the short term. [1]

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Eye area support

It's not for nothing that coffee oil is a key ingredient in eye care products. Not only does the caffeine it contains help to reduce the appearance of puffiness and unsightly dark circles, it also uplifts and visibly brightens the sensitive eye area.

Antioxidants as a way to radiant skin

Coffee oil is packed with a wide range of antioxidants that have the ability to scavenge free radicals, helping to reverse premature skin aging. [2]

In addition, the polyphenols in the oil protect the skin from UV damage. Coffee oil is therefore a good supplement for sun protection. [3, 4]

Restoring balance

Coffee oil has the same pH as human skin, which helps maintain optimal moisture. The oil's exceptional moisturising properties are also closely related to the essential fatty acid linoleic acid it contains, which plays a key role in **maintaining the integrity of the skin's barrier and water permeability.


  • Protects skin from external aggressors
  • Firms, smooths and cleanses the skin.
  • Locks in moisture and effectively hydrates the skin.
  • Fights wrinkles, improves skin tone and elasticity.
  • It is used as a carrier oil for BEWIT essential oils – mixing extends the time of gradual absorption of the essential oil.
  • In combination with BEWIT essential waters, it ensures deep hydration and balance of the skin.


Legend of the Shepherd

The origin of coffee is based on the legend of Kaldi, a shepherd who tended a herd of goats in the mountains of Yemen. He noticed that goats eating coffee beans were suddenly cheerful and full of energy.

Booming popularity

It is believed that the land of the coffee plant is Ethiopia, specifically the Kaffa region. Coffee spread from there to Arabia in the 15th century, which is still considered the cradle of coffee today. Coffee did not reach Europe and the British colonies in America until the 17th century. Today, coffee is the second best-selling commodity, and with its growing popularity, there is a list of scientific studies that attribute many beneficial effects on the body and mind to coffee.



Coffea Arabica Seed Oil


A coffee ritual that puts you in the mood for mental well-being

Apply as a facial oil on the face and décolleté.

Coffee oil is a suitable ingredient for the preparation of cosmetic products – By combining it with BEWIT essential oil and BEWIT carrier oils, you can dilute the concentration to your exact needs and prolong the absorption time of the essential oil itself.

[1] R. Roure, T. Oddos, A. Rossi, F. Vial, C. Bertin, Evaluation of the efficacy of a topical cosmetic slimming product combining tetrahydroxypropyl ethylenediamine, caffeine, carnitine, forskolin and retinol, In vitro, ex vivo and in vivo studies, Int. J. Cosmet. Sci. 33 (2011) 519–526.…2011.00665.x

[2] V. Pereda Maria Del Carmen, G. Dieamant, S. Eberlin, C. Nogueira, D. Colombi, L. Di Stasi, M. Queiroz, Effect of green Coffea arabica L. seed oil on extracellular matrix components and water-channel expression in in vitro and ex vivo human skin models, J. Cosmet. Dermatol. 8 (2009) 56–62.…2009.00425.x.

[3] Y. Fukushima, Y. Takahashi, Y. Hori, Y. Kishimoto, K. Shiga, Y. Tanaka, E. Masunaga, M. Tani, M. Yokoyama, K. Kondo, Skin photoprotection and consumption of coffee and polyphenols in healthy middle-aged Japanese females, Int. J. Dermatol. 54 (2015) 410–418.…11/ijd.12399.

[4] Sun protection factor, content and composition of lipid fraction of green coffee beans | Elsevier Enhanced Reader, (n.d.).….2010.10.026.

100% pure and natural

100% pure and natural

All ingredients contained in the product are 100% pure and natural and non-synthetic.

100% pure and natural

100% pure and natural

All ingredients contained in the product are 100% pure and natural, non-synthetic.

Own formulas and developments

Own formulas and developments

We blend all essential oil blends at our headquarters in Ostrava, according to our own formulas, which are based on the most modern world studies as well as the thousand of years-of traditions of Eastern medicine.

We have the highest quality sources and suppliers

We have the highest quality sources and suppliers

We always advocate and strive for a maximally respectful approach to the natural environment. That is to say, a gentle and as natural as possible way of growing, harvesting and processing plants. Free of herbicides, pesticides, insecticides, contaminants, chemical residues and genetic modification.

We honour the principles of AHINSA

We honour the principles of AHINSA

It is a moral and religious principle of Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism, which consists in respect of all living things.


BEWIT Coffee oil, BIO


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Ivana Bystronova

Ivana Bystronova

Česky CS (translate)

Customer verified by product purchase

BEWIT Kávový olej BIO

Kávový olej používám už 2 měsíce a zjišťuji, že mi mizí vrásky i ty mračící se mi zmírnily. Krk povislý se napnul za mě zázrak. Dávám si do kávového oleje ještě kapku EO červený pomeranč a moje plet jásá. Děkuji Bewit za tyto zázraky připadám si o 10 let mladší, plet vyživená, vypnutá a zářící.

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+ 4

Zuzana Zajícová

Zuzana Zajícová

Slovensky SK (translate)

Customer verified by product purchase

BEWIT Kávový olej, BIO

Mňam …mám veľmi rada vôňu kávy a toto je úplne najkrajšie voňajúci rastlinný olej, aký som mala. Na očistenú tvár si nastriekam trochu esenciálnej vody a dám 1 až 2 pumpičky kávového oleja… Pleť je vypnutá, jemná, olej sa rýchlo vstrebáva, vonia neskutočne nádherne. 🥰☕

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Schaffranietz Elisabeth

Schaffranietz Elisabeth

Polski PL (translate)

Customer verified by product purchase


Fantastyczny olej do codziennej pielęgnacji. Piękny kawowy zapach, który mnie pobudza. Skóra jest świetnie nawilżona, gładka i jędrna (co potwierdziła kosmetyczka), świetnie działa przeciwzmarszczkowo i nadaje skórze ładny odcień. Jak dla mnie Must have.

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+ 1

Cherar Adriana

Cherar Adriana

Română RO (translate)

Customer verified by product purchase

BEWIT Ulei de cafea, BIO

Nu te rezuma să utilizezi uleiul de cafea doar pentru ten. Deși face minuni în cazul cearcănelor😉. Uleiul de cafea este un tonic excelent pentru rădăcina firului de păr , tocmai de aceea îl poți aplica pe scalp, singur sau în combinație cu alte uleiuri. Lași 2–3 ore să acționeze după care speli cu șampon natural 😉. Părul devine mai puternic și vei avea mai puține fire lipsă 😉.

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+ 2

Katarzyna  Rozenek

Katarzyna Rozenek

Polski PL (translate)

Customer verified by product purchase


Choć nie jestem fanką kawy i w ogóle jej nie pije to uwielbiam jej zapach. Nie sądziłam, że ten olejek będzie pachniał tak intensywnie. Nakładam na twarz i szyję po uprzednim spryskaniu hydrolatem z lawendy. Skóra jest napewno gładka, miła w dotyku, ma ładniejszy koloryt, bardzo szybko poprawia wygląd twarzy, zwłaszcza rano po wstaniu :) Uwielbiam ten olejek.

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+ 4

Hana Vondráčková

Hana Vondráčková

Česky CS (translate)

Customer verified by product purchase

BEWIT Kávový olej BIO

Nejlepší věc na kruhy pod očima a unavené oči.

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+ 3

Lýdie Zlámalová

Lýdie Zlámalová

Česky CS (translate)

Customer verified by product purchase

BEWIT Kávový olej BIO

Kávový olej mě opravdu nadchl. Dost často bojuji s kruhy pod očima a otoky. Zkusila jsem tedy nejdříve používat jako oční sérum. Za jeden den mi olejíček kruhy pod očima doslova vyzmizíkoval! 🤩 A ta nádherná kávová vůně, vůbec se nedá srovnat s kávovým olejem jiné značky, kterou jsem dříve používala. Nyní používám na celý obličej nastřídačku s GOLD sérem a dějí se doslova zázraky. Tento olej chci mít už neustále u sebe ♥️

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+ 15

Wendy Schubertová

Wendy Schubertová

Česky CS (translate)

Customer verified by product purchase

BEWIT Kávový olej BIO

Výběr kávového oleje byla trefa do černého! Při roztírání si připadáte jak v pražírně, ta vůně je neuvěřitelná! Olej je lehoučký a pleť po něm v průběhu celého dne úžasně hebká. Využívám k face józe a madero. S pletí mi to dělá doslova zázraky. Po večerní péči mám ráno pleť jako Korejka. Opět děkuji!

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Soncodi Anca

Soncodi Anca

Română RO (translate)

Customer verified by product purchase

BEWIT Microbiome Symbiotic Cream – Self Love Flow

Răsfăț total cu această cremă de față, am aplicat mai întâi apa esențială de neroli, și nelipsitul ulei de cafea, apoi am făcut un masaj limfatic cu aceasta cremă, în câteva minute m-am simțit ca după un masaj la salon. O recomand cu mare drag, te face să te simți minunat în pielea ta și să te apreciezi exact așa cum ești.

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+ 2

Georgeta Voicu

Georgeta Voicu

Română RO (translate)

Customer verified by product purchase

BEWIT Ulei de cafea, BIO

BEWIT Ulei de cafea, BIO Un ulei de care sunt îndrăgostită, încă de la prima folosire. Cred, dar nu găsesc între recenzii, că am mai scris despre el. De ce scriu iar? Pentru că: Oferă o hidratare profundă, restabilind elasticitatea pielii, având și un efect antioxidant, luptând împotriva radicalilor liberi, prevenind îmbătrânirea prematură și estompând ridurile. L-am folosit la masaj, îmbunătățind aspectul celulitei, reducând vizibil aspectul de „coajă de portocală”. Poate fi folosit și pentru reducerea petelor pigmentare, oferind un ten luminos și radiant. Fiind 100% natural, presat la rece, păstrează mirosul și proprietățile benefice ale boabelor de cafea. Nu pot sta fără acest ulei esențial; îmi pun câteva picături și în cafeaua zilnică, având gust și miros de neînlocuit. Mulțumesc Bewit și celor care, prin efortul lor, fac ca acest ulei esențial să ajungă la mine!

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+ 4

Magdalena Jorg

Magdalena Jorg

Polski PL (translate)

Customer verified by product purchase


Z racji tego że ten olej znakomicie pobudza ukrwienie i co za tym idzie ujędrnia stosuję go jako bazę do serum pod oczy. Dodaję jeszcze np. kadzidlo, Bewit Gold Beauty i stosuje rano po kropelce pod każde oko. Szybko się wchłania i ujędrnia te okolice bez pozostałości tłustego filmu.

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Monika  Brych

Monika Brych

Polski PL (translate)

Customer verified by product purchase


Ten zapach trzeba poczuć. Jak pierwszy raz go zamówiłam to się zakochałam. Nakładam go na twarz z kropelką AG, oczywiście po uprzednim spryskaniu skóry hydrolatem. Twarz jest naprawę mięciutka. Mieszam go z kilkoma kroplami Grapefruit i nakładam na ciało. Jeden z moich ulubieńców.

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Michaela  Kašťáková

Michaela Kašťáková

Česky CS (translate)

Customer verified by product purchase

BEWIT Kávový olej BIO

Tento olejíček mě nadchl, s použitím hydrolátu Neroli. Pleť je krásně vláčná a nádherně voní. Oba výrobky doporučuji.

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Zuzana  Albertová

Zuzana Albertová

Česky CS (translate)

Customer verified by product purchase

BEWIT Kávový olej BIO

Kávový olej, opravdu luxus, tak jak mi byl doporučen. Nádherná, kávová vůně. Pokožka je po něm hebká a krásně voní. Má vliv na kruhy pod očima i unavené oči.

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+ 1

Kamila Mokošová

Kamila Mokošová

Slovensky SK (translate)

Customer verified by product purchase

BEWIT Kávový olej, BIO

V prvom rade neskutočná vôňa. Ak milujte vôňu kávy určite ho vyskúšajte. Keď som ho natrela prvý krát na ruku mala som chuť sa zakusnuť. 🤎

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+ 2

Schaffranietz Elisabeth

Schaffranietz Elisabeth

Polski PL (translate)

Customer verified by product purchase


Must have dla dojrzałej skóry ! Dodaje olejki eteryczne o działaniu p/ zmarszczkowym i nie wyobrażam już sobie innej pielęgnacji dla mojej twarzy. Skóra jest nawilżona, gładka , ujędrniona, olej ma również piękny zapach . Moje koleżanki są również zachwycone .

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Erika Kičinová

Erika Kičinová

Slovensky SK (translate)

Customer verified by product purchase

BEWIT Kávový olej, BIO

Milujem jeho vôňu, je úžasný, stačí naozaj máličko, a pleť je vyhladena a ako bonus vôňa kávy ktorú zbožňujem.

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Simona-rodica  Dumitrescu

Simona-rodica Dumitrescu

Română RO (translate)

Customer verified by product purchase

BEWIT Ulei de cafea, BIO

Încă un produs excelent. Parfum, puritate, senzație minunata după folosire. Îl adaug în crema de fata sau, pur și simplu îl masez pe pielea curata. Efectul este magic, catifelare și senzație de hidratare instanta. Îl folosesc, de asemenea, la o prăjitură pe care o ador. Nu știam ca exista un asemenea ulei special. E perfect. Mulțumesc, BEWIT!

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+ 5

Sbircea Laura

Sbircea Laura

Română RO (translate)

Customer verified by product purchase

BEWIT Ulei de cafea, BIO

Nu mai vreau sa traiesc fara acest ulei. Este atat de delicat, atat de gustos, ata de bine mirositor si il putem folosi atat de variat. Si acest ulei este o minune pentru mine. Eu il folosesc peste tot, pentru masaj, pentru ten, la cafea, chiar si in cacao, la prajituri, la coctailuri si chiar intr-o salata cu fructe si legume da un gust si o aroma aparte. Pur si simplu il iubesc si nu-mi va lipsi din casa. Il recomand din toata inima!

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+ 4

Ivett  Végh Kolláth

Ivett Végh Kolláth

Magyar HU (translate)

Customer verified by product purchase


Én az arcomra használom ezt az olajat, főleg a szem és száj környékén a ráncokra, a bemasszírozás után szinte teljesen kisimul a bőröm és közben szuper kávéillata van. Nagyon szeretem, ajánlom.

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+ 1