BEWIT Woman Aquarius (Water Carrier)
Women's roll-on oil perfume
If we were born in the airy sign of Aquarius, life is likely to present us with situations and trials that will encourage you to develop the qualities, attitudes and values of the opposite zodiac sign, the fiery Leo.
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30,70 lv
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Code: 7200000200150273
Curated reviews by the BEWIT Team
„Dragoste la prima inspirare. WOW, nu am cuvinte sa descriu cat de frumos si minunat miroase acest parfum, sunt impresionata cat de mult tine mirosul. Sticluta aceasta e partenerul meu, nu o mai fas, e la tot pasul la mine. Adulmec din sticluta, ma dau pe tample si dupa ureci si ma simt ca pe o poina plina de flori vesele, care danseaza in adiere vantului, si stau lungita intre ele si adulmec mireasma lor, de parca asi fi un fluture care zburda si danseaza peste aceste flori, si asta acum in ianuaie.... Este greu de descris cat de frumos si de bine miroase acest parfum si cat de bine si vesela ma simt cu el. Il iubesc la nebunie. Viar si descrierea parfumului e foarte buna, chiar asa cum sunt eu! Multumesc Bewit pentru acest parfum miraculos si minunat! “

Sbircea Laura
Aquarius (January 21 – February 20)
Aquarius is a sign that needs freedom to live, like air to breathe. It cannot be bound, restricted, stifled. It will escape internally, escape reality, and do what it wants in all circumstances. Among its qualities is the ability to pick up the subtle threads of the future, bring them into the present, and initiate what humanity will one day use in its daily life. He is rarely understood by his contemporaries, but his predictions are confirmed in most cases. Saturn gives them calmness, concentration and perseverance, Uranus originality. Aquarians tend to be gentle to fragile at heart and tries to avoid conflict as much as possible. They tend to be kind and tolerant. They are often philanthropists who try to find solutions to various injustices. They excel in intelligence, imagination and spontaneity. They have great ideas and enough courage to try to do things in an original way. Aquarians are under the influence of the element of air, which gives them sharp thinking and a desire to spread knowledge. Aquarians „old souls“ tend to be the best teachers. When a subject piques their interest, they become tireless workers. Aquarius is summed up by the statement, „I know.“ They have a good memory, intuition and deep knowledge.
The main intention in creating this perfume was to create a helper, friend and protector for the process of integrating the qualities of the opposite sign. To create a unique natural fragrance that uses the beauty and synergy of a blend of the rarest therapeutic essential oils to promote inspiration, help and guidance. Support occurs on many levels and through many mechanisms. The frequencies, information and energy of plant essences can support our harmony, understanding, insight and intuition. Everyone can feel the divine love manifested in the molecules of essential oils.
The shadows of Aquarius can include coldness and the inability to relate intimately. Aquarius loves humanity, but love for the individual can be a problem. Leo helps Aquarius to understand that unless he warms his heart, over-intellectualism, sarcastic remarks, and the inability of human intimacy can make him someone otherworldly, dreaming beyond this reality, locked in his hard-to-grasp fantasies. Leo Aquarius communicates that to process and realise dreams, courage and willpower are needed here on Earth.
Every sun sign has an imaginary opposite sun partner. Once we realise that our challenge is to integrate the values of this opposite sign and develop them, we begin to bring more balance into our lives. We will gradually begin to understand ourselves better and become more whole. A harmony between the head and the heart becomes established. Our intuition begins to awaken more. We become aware of our consciousness, our higher self, our Overself. More intelligence and love begins to manifest in our daily thoughts and actions. We manifest wisdom. We are fulfilling our destiny. We let ourselves drift freely through life. We can perceive our greatness and at the same time say, „Thy will be done.“ We realise that everything begins and ends in paradox. Our life becomes a manifestation of the Spirit. We perceive that the best advice for one who can understand this is to be with It, to abide with It – Be with It. BEWIT.
The base of the perfume is fractionated coconut oil, the perfect vehicle for an essential cocktail blended exactly for your sign. Packaged in a 15ml bottle in a gorgeous brown glossy glass, roll-on glass beads and caps in gold.
100% pure and natural
All ingredients contained in the product are 100% pure and natural and non-synthetic.
An ethical approach is founded on respect for all forms of life.
The CTEO® pictogram is an expression of the BEWIT standards and protocols by which we check the quality of our essential oils. These include procedures for sourcing, transporting, storing, packaging and shipping essences.
To ensure maximum results every time, we make our essential oils from plants that come from the best sources around the world. We select our ingredients with an emphasis on scientific knowledge, historical wisdom, the legacy of our ancestors and practical results.
Laboratory tested
In our Ostrava laboratory, we meticulously analyse the exact composition and quality of essential oils at an unparalleled level. For more insights into the methods we use to uncover the secrets of these unique gifts of nature, visit here. Or simply take a closer look at a sample of BEWIT Lavender Kashmir essential oil.
To significantly improve the properties, quality, durability and efficiency of the product, we apply harmonising pyramidal energy to it during processing, storage and shipping. More information about BEWIT pyramids here.
BEWIT Woman Aquarius (Water Carrier) contains:
BEWIT Woman Aquarius (Water Carrier)
Women's roll-on oil perfume
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Krásna zmyselná vôňa. Kúpila som mame a je vôňou očarená. Úplne jej sadla. ♥️
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Dragoste la prima inspirare. WOW, nu am cuvinte sa descriu cat de frumos si minunat miroase acest parfum, sunt impresionata cat de mult tine mirosul. Sticluta aceasta e partenerul meu, nu o mai fas, e la tot pasul la mine. Adulmec din sticluta, ma dau pe tample si dupa ureci si ma simt ca pe o poina plina de flori vesele, care danseaza in adiere vantului, si stau lungita intre ele si adulmec mireasma lor, de parca asi fi un fluture care zburda si danseaza peste aceste flori, si asta acum in ianuaie… Este greu de descris cat de frumos si de bine miroase acest parfum si cat de bine si vesela ma simt cu el. Il iubesc la nebunie. Viar si descrierea parfumului e foarte buna, chiar asa cum sunt eu! Multumesc Bewit pentru acest parfum miraculos si minunat!
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+ 4

Perfumy Jestem z pod znaku wodnika i przy świętach zrobiłam sobie małą przyjemność i zakupiłam sobie perfumy zadedykowane dla mnie. Jestem bardzo zadowolona są subtelne bardzo wyczuwalne różne nuty olejków które lubię. Próbowałam sama robić sobie mieszanki, ale ta jest jakby była szyta na miarę. Dziękuję
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Zakoupila jsem dceři a je naprosto spokojená a okouzlená 🐟❤️❤️❤️❤️
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+ 1

Először kicsit féltem tőle, hogy kipróbáljam. Aztán elolvastam a vízöntőkre vonatkozó leírást. Annyira igaz rám, hogy azt mondtam, ezt nem hagyhatom ki. Az illat intenzív, de nem hivalkodó, határozottságot sugároz. Mint egy igazi vízöntő. Én fás-fűszeres jegyeket érzek benne. Szinte egész nap érzem magamon. Tetszik a praktikus, roll-on kialakítás és a méret is, mert pici táskában is kényelmesen elfér. Az üveg pedig elegáns, bármikor szívesen előveszem.
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+ 9

Měla jsem velmi strach z tohoto parfémů roll on. Přeci jenom pokud člověk používat několik syntetické umělé věci zvyknout si na přírodní parfém je těžké. Musím říct, že to těžké vůbec nebylo. Již při první pomazání jsem si parfém zamilovala. Člověk se cítí jak by byl 24/7 stále v lese a dýchal vůni stromů… je to nepopsatelný pocit.
Vůně je velmi jemná a příjemná. Doporučuji vyzkoušet. :-)
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+ 12

Mám sice parfémek pár hodin, ale tu vůni už teď miluji. Trochu jsem se bála, že mi nebude sedět, ale opak je pravdou. Dokonce jsem jej dala oňufat tchýni (je ovšem beran) a také jí voněl. A sousedka, která je stejně jako já vodnářka, si tu vůni okamžitě zamilovala a hned si u mě udělala objednávku. Bewit mi stále dokazuje, že kvalita za to stojí; a nestačí to prezentovat pouze slovy – co neokusíš na vlastní smysly jako by nebylo. Po dnešní zkušenosti, kdy jsem udělala garden „ochutnávky“, mám v plánu to pořádat pravidelně :) doporučuji VŠEM! Osobní kontakt má stále své kouzlo.
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