BEWIT Sup-er-man
100% natural blend of CTEO® essential oils
Super masculinity
Support the strength and energy of your manhood in intimate moments. With the BEWIT Sup-Er-Man essential blend, developed specifically for men, you will harmonise this side of yourself.
Aroma: sweet, woody with spicy and balsamic notes
Use:inhalation, massage, perfume
Curated reviews by the BEWIT Team
„Olejek Superman uwielbiają moi synowie i mąż jako perfumy i do dyfuzora szczególnie tego bezwodnego daje piękny zapach w całym domu jak i w samochodzie.“

Sylwia Mach
Are you suffering from a lack of performance, male power or desire for partnered frolics?
Revive your undying vigour with a burst of new energy for active moments not only in the duvet.
Tune up, increase strength, restore endurance and bring the joy of success and a sense of happiness back into your life.
Turn on the diffuser and allow invigorating, aphrodisiac scent to melt away the effects of stressful responsibilities and a demanding lifestyle. In the present moment and in planning for the future family.
Massage your body and underbelly or carry the fragrance with you as your personal perfume in a roll-on to have it available, whenever you need support.
Fulfilling and harmony in partnership.
- Supports and encourages
- Activates and strengthens
- Harmonises
Made in the Czech Republic.
100% pure and natural
All ingredients contained in the product are 100% pure and natural and non-synthetic.
An ethical approach is founded on respect for all forms of life.
The CTEO® pictogram is an expression of the BEWIT standards and protocols by which we check the quality of our essential oils. These include procedures for sourcing, transporting, storing, packaging and shipping essences.
To ensure maximum results every time, we make our essential oils from plants that come from the best sources around the world. We select our ingredients with an emphasis on scientific knowledge, historical wisdom, the legacy of our ancestors and practical results.
Insect Free
The product contains no insects or parts thereof.
Laboratory tested
In our Ostrava laboratory, we meticulously analyse the exact composition and quality of essential oils at an unparalleled level. For more insights into the methods we use to uncover the secrets of these unique gifts of nature, visit here. Or simply take a closer look at a sample of BEWIT Lavender Kashmir essential oil.
No dyes
The product does not contain dyes.
No phosphates
The product does not contain phosphates.
The composition of the product is 100% made up of ingredients that have not been genetically modified.
Non synthetic
The product does not contain synthetic or synthetically produced ingredients.
Produced with Love
The product has been developed and produced in an atmosphere of love, harmony and with intent of giving benefit to all who use it.
To significantly improve the properties, quality, durability and efficiency of the product, we apply harmonising pyramidal energy to it during processing, storage and shipping. More information about BEWIT pyramids here.
Methods of use
Put 3–5 drops of the essential blend into the diffuser or inhalation stick.
Mix one drop of the essential blend with 30 ml of carrier oil and gently massage the soles of the feet or the whole body.
Mix 1 drop of essential oil with 10 ml of jojoba oil in a roll-on bottle.
BEWIT Sup-er-man contains:

100% pure and natural
All ingredients contained in the product are 100% pure and natural, non-synthetic.

Own formulas and developments
We blend all essential oil blends at our headquarters in Ostrava, according to our own formulas, which are based on the most modern world studies as well as the thousand of years-of traditions of Eastern medicine.

We have the highest quality sources and suppliers
We always advocate and strive for a maximally respectful approach to the natural environment. That is to say, a gentle and as natural as possible way of growing, harvesting and processing plants. Free of herbicides, pesticides, insecticides, contaminants, chemical residues and genetic modification.

We honour the principles of AHINSA
It is a moral and religious principle of Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism, which consists in respect of all living things.
BEWIT Sup-er-man
100% natural blend of CTEO® essential oils
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Olejek Superman uwielbiają moi synowie i mąż jako perfumy i do dyfuzora szczególnie tego bezwodnego daje piękny zapach w całym domu jak i w samochodzie.
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No s týmto olejčekom, čo môžem povedať, sa dajú vytvárať naozaj kúzelné masážne oleje pre mužov. Namiešala som masážny olejček dvom kamarátom, z rôznych esenciálnych olejov. Súčasťou bol aj Superman. Tento olej naozaj evokuje muzskost, silu, energiu, ale vyváženú s radosťou a životným elánom. Úžasne vybalansovaná vôňa. :)
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Nagyon klassz keverék férfiaknak. Külsőleg, higítva! alkalmazva serkenti a verbőséget, javítja a helyi vérkeringést. Biztonságosan használható együttlét során is, illata pedig nagyon vadító :) Ajánlom pároknak és férfiaknak önállóan is tartós használatra!
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Manžel mi namasíroval jóni olejom Intim Love, bolo to úžasné, potom som ja použila olej Superman u manžela na lingam masáž, bolo to veľmi príjemné, vzrušujúce. Už 2 roky praktikujeme vedomé milovanie, ale aj keď máme svoje rituály, techniky, nie vždy sa podarí prepojiť. Neriešime, proste asi nie je vhodný deň. Ale včera to bolo krásne vedomé milovanie, až také osvietené, bolo to výnimočné, duchovné, krásne. Už nebudeme potrebovať ani lubrikant, tieto oleje ho plne nahradia. Veľmi pekne ďakujem…
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+ 33

⭐18+ Zo srdca ďakujem za zdieľanie klientky❤. Posúvam autenticky, lebo prebásnene by to nebolo ono. Ocenia všetci, ktorí chcú na vzťahu pracovať 🥰 a nehádzat flintu do žita, keď už to nejde ako v osemnástke 🙃. Určený pre mužov 👇
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+ 3

super zapach moj maz jest zachwycony
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Hnedka po prvom vdechu som ucitil ako mi kamení moj nástroj v trenách. Velmi odporučám, priatelka od tej doby vybehna 4 patra za 12sekund ako utieka pred mojim chtíčom.
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+ 10

Směs Sup-er-man používám jako parfém, střídám ho s Man No.1. Je jiný, takový víc erotický, vášnivý. Dal jsem ho očichat kamarádovi, cena se mu nezdála, ale při Black Friday se zaregistroval a hned si ho pořídil.
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Eros a Superman vážne funguju :-D Prisla som po vikende domov a v pondelok rano som zapla difuzer, nieco v nom bolo co pekne vonalo a neriesila som. Zapla som pocitac, ze idem pracovat… Po cca pol hodine som zacala mat uplne ine myslienky ako na pracu, skratka ma ovladla tuzba a ja som bola bezbranna :-D Zacala som sa stazovat spolubyvajucej, ze neviem co je so mnou, ze asi pojdem na otocku za priatelom! A ona na to: Preboha, ja som zabudla z vikendu v difuzeri Eros!… Podobne nieco sa stalo opat o par dni, ked som zase chcela pracovat u priatela a po nejakom case na pocitaci sa ho pytam: co to tam difuzujes, zase mi nastupuje pocit ako pri Erose. A on na to: Od vcerajska som tam nechal Supermana :-D tieto oleje ma tusim prenasleduju!
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This information is not intended as medical advice, but rather as a sharing of knowledge and information. We encourage you to form your own opinion about health care in collaboration with a qualified health care professional and make your own decisions based on your judgment and research. These statements have not been evaluated by regulatory authorities. We encourage you to do your own individual research before making a purchase or decision.