033 - BEWIT Lungs at rest
Natural dietary supplements:
BEWIT Calm Lungs
033 – Zhi Sou Wan
Clear any buildup that stands in the way of your deep breathing. This patented TCM blend will give you back the ability to breathe freely and with it a new zest for life.
Take as directed by a certified TCM therapist.
Out of stock
6,4 £
5,4 £ without VAT (20%)
Code: 9999000090000599
Traditionally, this blend has been popular as a possible support for:
restoration of deep breathing after difficulties from blowing (both current and persistent) relaxation of the body surface
The uniqueness of this TCM blend in the form of balls (called wan) lies in its 100% vegan composition.
Packaging and dosing
Take 8 balls 3 times a day on an empty stomach at least half an hour before meals or an hour after meals.
The package contains 200 balls, so it will last you for about 8 days.
Consult your physician for internal use
Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.
Keep out of reach of children, store dry, protect from heat and direct sunlight.
The product is not intended to replace a varied and balanced diet, is not intended for pregnant and lactating women or children under 3 years of age.
Always consult a certified TCM therapist before use.
Jing jie (Nepeta tenuifolia herba – Nepeta tenuifolia herba, navel)
Jie geng (Platycodon grandiflorus radix – Platycodon grandiflorus, root)
Chen pi (Citrus reticulata cortex – tangerine, bark)
Gan cao (Glycyrrhiza uralensis radix – licorice ural, root)
Country of origin
033 - BEWIT Lungs at rest
Natural dietary supplements:
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Mám problém z dráždivým kašľom každoročne v zimných mesiacoch a od ochorenia na koronu. Naposledy som pol roka stále pokašlávala a tvorili sa mi hlieny, hlavne horné dýchacie cesty. Po pár dňoch užívania zázračných guličiek môj problém zmizol. Nič mi dlhodobo nepomohlo ani olejčeky, tinktúry, sirupy… Ďakujem za produkt Zhi Sou Wan.
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