BEWIT B17 Suby C Serum
Regeneration serum
Support your skin at the cellular level. 100% pure and natural regenerating serum will restore strength, resilienceand harmony to your skin.
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40,2 £
33,5 £ without VAT (20%)
Code: 7000000202000010
Curated reviews by the BEWIT Team
„BewitB17 Suby C Serum: dnes som objednala už tretie balenie. Prvý raz to bolo kôli názvu, cítila som, ze je to niečo výnimočné, moje pocity ma nesklamali. Je to naozaj malý-veľký zázrak . Vyriešilo mi ojedinele svrbenia na ramenách, alebo chrbte či hrudníku, sem tam sprevádzané s ojedinelými vyrážkami. Dlho som sa trápila, odchádzalo prichádzalo. A stal sa zázrak , zrazu všetko zmizlo, hlavne to svrbenie bez viditeľných príčin, a pokožka čistučká, vyživena….vrelo odporúčam…moja intuícia ma nesklamala… je to niečo výnimočné.“

Zoja Pavonova
Support your skin at the cellular level with BEWIT® B17 SUBY C SERUM
Does your skin seem to be in disarray and are you looking for a natural alternative to give it the regenerating care it needs? BEWIT® B17 SUBY C SERUM will be a real miracle for your skin. 100% pure and natural formula for thorough regeneration. A complex of effective antioxidants will provide your skin with the strongest protection. The extremely gentle texture heals even the most sensitive areas. The fresh, optimistic scent will encourage feelings of immense strengthand resilience.
Why use the regenerating serum BEWIT B17 SUBY C SERUM?
- The synergistic combination of linseed oil, hemp oil, almond oil, avocado oil and other high-quality vegetable oils ensures deep regeneration and effective hydration of your skin.
- GEMMA KOMPLEX together with walnut oil will nourish your skin deeply and support its self-healing processes.
- The unique combination of apricot oil, cherry oil and a blend of CTEO® essential oils BEWIT® SUBY C-1 will deeply strengthen and maximally** protect** your skin.
Our holistic cosmetics specialist advises:
How to achieve the maximum effect of BEWIT® B17 SUBY C SERUM?
- Moisten the skin thoroughly with the selected BEWIT® essential water.
- Massage the required amount of BEWIT®B17 SUBY C SERUM thoroughly into damp skin using gentle movements.
TIP: You can also massage the serum into wet skin after a shower or bath.
Treat your skin to luxurious and effective care
In combination with BEWIT essential watersit will take care of deep nourishment and hydration of your skin. We recommend the essential waters BEWIT® LAVENDER, BEWIT ROSE, BEWIT® FRANKINCENSE, BEWIT® LEMON BALM, BEWIT® GERANIUM.BEWIT HELICHRYSUM.
- „BEWIT® ESSENTIAL SKIN SERUM“ provides comprehensive nourishing care for your skin.
- The „BEWIT® ESSENTIAL BASE OIL“ takes care of the thorough dilution of the essential oils when applied to the skin
- The „BEWIT® H PLUS SERUM“ provides deep harmonising care for your skin.
What makes BEWIT Holistic Cosmetics so special and unique?
It is developed in accordance with the sincere BEWIT® philosophy
BEWIT holistic cosmetics is a tool and helper to achieve healthy, beautiful and self-confident skin for the whole body leading to conscious beauty and health.
It will guide you reliably and safely through all stages of natural development that lead us all to our full strength and to a full and joyful attitude. This is also reflected in your posture and thus in the overall appearance. The commonly accepted term natural skin ageing may not apply to you and can be reversed in line with the BEWIT® holistic cosmetic philosophy.
Provides above-standard aroma-therapeutic care to your skin and psyche
100% natural composition, CTEO® certified essential oils are behind the aroma-therapeutic effect of BEWIT holistic cosmetics. Their great strength lies in the fact that they can penetrate to the individual centres of the brain and positively influence them. Thanks to them, BEWIT holistic cosmetics provide above-standard care for your skin and psyche
Contains extremely nutritious bud extract
The main active ingredient of BEWIT holistic cosmetics is GEMMA KOMPLEX plant bud extract, which introduces extremely nutritious substances and vital energy of hand-picked buds of Moravian-Silesian Beskydy plants.
These easily penetrate deep into your skin through oil molecules, where they take care of thorough nourishmentand self-regeneration.
To ensure maximum quality, we manufacture it ourselves using our own technology, which is very gentle on the active ingredients.
100% natural composition – circular cosmetics, circular beauty.
All the ingredients in BEWIT holistic cosmetics are 100% natural – circular and you can be sure that the waste you produce during its application or washing is in complete harmony with nature.
Because what comes out of nature, goes back into nature.
100% pure and natural
All ingredients contained in the product are 100% pure and natural and non-synthetic.
24k Gold Essence
The product contains natural ingredients that are specially treated and subjected to harmonic energetic-frequency effects using 24k pure gold. This is a unique BEWIT technology that combines modern scientific approaches and technologies with traditional spagyric and other methods. The goal is to maximise the effectiveness of the product in which it is used.
An ethical approach is founded on respect for all forms of life.
The CTEO® pictogram is an expression of the BEWIT standards and protocols by which we check the quality of our essential oils. These include procedures for sourcing, transporting, storing, packaging and shipping essences.
To ensure maximum results every time, we make our essential oils from plants that come from the best sources around the world. We select our ingredients with an emphasis on scientific knowledge, historical wisdom, the legacy of our ancestors and practical results.
Gemma Complex
The product contains cold extracts from the buds of plants such as chestnut, beech, cherry, walnut and others. You can find Gemma Complex in our holistic cosmetics<//span> and in Prawteins, where we always list the exact ingredients.
Gemstone Balanced
During production and storage we use gem stones and semi-precious stones to harmonise the energy of that product.
Light Essence
The product contains natural ingredients that are specially treated and subjected to harmonious energetic-frequency effects. It is a unique BEWIT technology, which combines modern scientific approaches and technologies with traditional spagyric and other methods. The goal is to maximise the effectiveness of the product in which it is used.
Merkaba Frequency
The “Merkaba” is a Hebrew term for expressing the so called “Sacred Geometry” of the energy body. We harmonised these products utilising a unique frequency information procedure. These include, for example, gemstone energy, pyramidal energy, harmonic musical frequencies, frequencies of selected tones and tuning forks, the power of prayer, and other harmonising practices.
Produced with Love
The product has been developed and produced in an atmosphere of love, harmony and with intent of giving benefit to all who use it.
This product is suitable for vegans. At no stage during development, testing or production of this item were animal or dairy products used.
BEWIT B17 Suby C Serum contains:

100% pure and natural
All ingredients contained in the product are 100% pure and natural, non-synthetic.

Own formulas and developments
We blend all essential oil blends at our headquarters in Ostrava, according to our own formulas, which are based on the most modern world studies as well as the thousand of years-of traditions of Eastern medicine.

We have the highest quality sources and suppliers
We always advocate and strive for a maximally respectful approach to the natural environment. That is to say, a gentle and as natural as possible way of growing, harvesting and processing plants. Free of herbicides, pesticides, insecticides, contaminants, chemical residues and genetic modification.

We honour the principles of AHINSA
It is a moral and religious principle of Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism, which consists in respect of all living things.
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BEWIT B17 Suby C Serum
Regeneration serum
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BewitB17 Suby C Serum: dnes som objednala už tretie balenie. Prvý raz to bolo kôli názvu, cítila som, ze je to niečo výnimočné, moje pocity ma nesklamali. Je to naozaj malý-veľký zázrak . Vyriešilo mi ojedinele svrbenia na ramenách, alebo chrbte či hrudníku, sem tam sprevádzané s ojedinelými vyrážkami. Dlho som sa trápila, odchádzalo prichádzalo. A stal sa zázrak , zrazu všetko zmizlo, hlavne to svrbenie bez viditeľných príčin, a pokožka čistučká, vyživena….vrelo odporúčam…moja intuícia ma nesklamala… je to niečo výnimočné.
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+ 2

Skład tej mieszanki przyciągnął moją uwagę od samego początku gdy tylko natknęłam się na tą propozycję . Unikalne połączenia oleju lnianego, konopnego, migdałowego, oleju z awokado orzechów włoskich czy z pestek czereśni … Używam go już od jakiegoś czasu, oczywiście na zwilżoną skórę, zaraz po kąpieli i czuję się po nim jak nowo narodzona, odświeżona . Mam subiektywne wrażenie, że skóra dziękuje mi odwdzięczając się jej młodszym wyglądem niczym nie przypominającym moje prawie 70 lat na karku. To takie moje serum- eliksir i z pewnością powrócę do niego przy kolejnym zamówieniu. To wspaniały dar od matki natury i co warte podkreślenia z mojej strony- to niekwestionowane podziękowania dla twórców tej mieszanki.
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+ 4

Příjemné sérum, která krásně vyživuje mou suchou pokožku. Nanáším na pokožku po zvlhčení buď vodou z kadidla nebo růže damašské. Po chvíli vsákne a kůže je hladká a jemná.
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+ 3

Sérum jsem si koupila už před pár měsíci, ale pořád jsem netušila jak správně použít, než jsem slyšela radu, že oleje na tělo jen když je mokré nebo vlhké. Takže po sprše se neutírám moc a na celé tělo si pak rozetřu sérum (třeba 4–6 pumpnutí dávkovačem na jednu nohu), a konečně jsem spokojená, za chvilku se úplně vsákne, kůže je potom nádherně jemná a vypadá vyživená a není mastná. I když je určené na tělo, používám ho i na obličej, mám velmi suchou kůži ale tady jako podklad nejdřív nastříkám obličej esenciální vodou např. z levandule nebo z kadidla a pak na mokrý obličej nanesu trochu séra a rozetřu. Obličej i tělo jsou hydratované celý den. Nemám problém si pak na obličej dát makeup a jít do práce, ovšem každému vyhovuje něco.
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