BEWIT Aroma Diffuser Carafe 400 RC with remote control, light wood
Ultrasonic diffuser
Ultrasonic aroma diffuser with volume of container 400 ml, automatic shut-off, 7 adjustable LED backlight colours and mist timer, operating time up to 7 h, recommended room size up to 40 m², diffuser colour light wood. For added convenience, equipped with remote control.
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20,5 £
17,1 £ without VAT (20%)
Code: 5100000190010193
Curated reviews by the BEWIT Team
„Super difuzér, krásný, velký a ještě na dálkové ovládání. Dělá krásnou páru a provoní celou místnost. Za mě 1. 🌟“

Ivana Michenková
Aroma diffuser BEWIT CARAFE 400 RC, light wood ## Fragrance oasis
Just add 5–7 drops of selected essential oils to 400 ml of water and your room will instantly become a pleasantly fragrant oasis. The diffuser can also be used as a lamp. The cold scented mist will help reduce the movement of flying dust micro-particles and enhance your sense of the cleanliness of the surrounding space. Combining therapeutic functionality and beautiful design, it is a welcome addition to any interior that can also serve as a suitable gift for your family or friends. ## Humidifier
However, if you don't feel like aromatherapy, the ultrasonic diffuser can be used as a humidifier. Due to heating in the winter months, we often have a problem with dry air, which can further dry out our airways. A cold mist diffuser can humidify dry air and create a comfortable environment. Close your eyes, breathe. ## LED backlight and shut-off timer
It has adjustable LED backlight with 7 colours and an off timer. The diffuser has automatic shut off in case the tank runs out of water. The operating time is up to 7 hours. Recommended for rooms of up to 40 m². Diffuser noise level 30 ~ 50 dB. The unit may become slightly warm during use. This does not affect its proper operation. ## A companion not only for home
The diffuser is suitable for beauty salons, spas and yoga centres, but also for bedrooms, living rooms, children's rooms, toilets, conference rooms, offices, hotels, hospitals or any other private or public space.
Ultrasonic technology
The aroma diffuser is designed to use the best of both oriental culture and the latest knowledge and technology of western science. The device uses ultrasound to break down essential oil and water into a mist of micro-particles, releasing active ingredients and anions into the air. Ultrasonic technology does not heat the essential oil and preserves all its positive therapeutic effects.
Key Features
- A mixture of water and small amounts of essential oils is dispersed into the air in the form of extremely fine micro-particles.
- Moisturises and ionises the air.
- Purifies the air to remove dust and unwanted odours.
- Small size, easy to transport and easy to clean.
- The ability to switch the colours of the backlit, or switch them off completely.
- Safety and reliability: as soon as there is not enough water in the container, the unit automatically shuts off.
- Low energy consumption.
- Helps boost immunity.
- May be an effective aid in insect control.
- Helps break down residual smoke and eliminate the source of odour.
- It can act as an emotional stimulant, helping to calm you down and relieve you of excess stress.
- After a period of use, a fine fragrant mist may form in the room.
Parameters and specifications
Material: plastic (BPA free)
9 W Voltage:
24V 600 mA Frequency:
50–60 Hz Vibration frequency:
2.4 MHz Water tank capacity:
400 ml Operating time: up to 7 hours
30~50 dB Number of air outlet:
1 Automatic shut-off: yes, after the water in the container is
7 colors alternating, specific color selection, possibility to turn off the
Dimensions: Ø 215 × 169 mm
Weight of the diffuser: 480 g
Warranty: 2 years
Package contents: diffuser, AC mains adapter, remote control
with torch
Instructions for use
Detailed instructions for using and cleaning the diffuser can be downloaded from the DOWNLOAD tab. Instructions are also included with the diffuser in printed form.
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BEWIT Aroma Diffuser Carafe 400 RC with remote control, light wood
Ultrasonic diffuser
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Super difuzér, krásný, velký a ještě na dálkové ovládání. Dělá krásnou páru a provoní celou místnost. Za mě 1. 🌟
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Tento difuzér je úplne geniálny nielen preto, že má diaľkové ovládanie a pokryje aj väčší priestor, ale páčia sa mi aj farby podsvietenia. A hlavne – v dnešnej dobe – spotreba el. energie. Mesiac som ho používala takmer každú noc cca 7 hodín a na spotrebe to nebolo vidieť. Údržba je veľmi jednoduchá a moje svetlé prevedenie mi dokonale zapadá do interiéru.
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Vrelo odporúčam tento model pokialaä sa neviete rozhodnoť už mam od bewitu 3 modely ale tento je ozaj pecka a ta bohatosť pary vas doslova prekvapí a v tom dialkovom ovladaní je vela funckcií ozaj stači dať na minimum a velký byt vam prevoní s 5 kvapkami na 12 hodin.
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Difuzér (v tmavé variantě) jsem zakoupila jako vánoční dárek rodičům mého muže. Když jsme ho zapojili a zprovoznili, byla jsem mile překvapená, kolik páry z něj vychází. Doma jsme měli obyč z lidlu, takový maličký, ale pára z něj vychází lehoulince. No už pár týdnů jsem do muže hustila, jestli nepořídíme nějaký „lepší“ :D A když viděl u svých rodičů, jak vypadá opravdová kvalita, hned zavelel, že musím nějaký vybrat. Na tomto difuzéru je úžasné, že se dá ovládat dálkovým ovladačem, kde si nastavíte i funkci foukání co 30s. Je to úžasný efekt – chvíli pára jde, chvíli zase ne – docela se to hodí, když jsou v blízkosti děti. Také funkce big/small foukání – no víc se nám líbí ten větší dým :) ale je příjemnější třeba pro návštěvy, které s oleji zkušenosti nemají, pustit jemnější páru. No jsme nadšení :) všichni!
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Fajny dyfuzor, dużo ma w sobie opcji jak kolor, moc pary itd. Pięknie się prezentuje w salonie. jedyny minus, że trochę go słychać podczas pracy, więc do sypialni na noc odpada.
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difuzér je hezký, ale velmi hlučný
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