Essential Creations | Strengthening Solid Shampoo
Make your own strengthening solid shampoo without chemicals in few minutes. As a bonus, you get a soothed and supple scalp.
You struggle to find a good product for your irritated scalp? Do you want a thick hair? The answer is a natural fennel shampoo.
Preparation: 25 minutes
Difficulty: medium
Use: hair washing
3 drops of essential oil BEWIT Fennel
25 g sodium coco sulphate
5 g BEWIT Nettle powder mixed with water or nettle tea
4 g BEWIT Organic extra virgin olive oil from Crete
2 g shea butter
0,5 g BEWIT BIO Hemp Protein
Prepare a bowl and mix sodium coco sulphate with nettle powder extract, oil and butter.
Heat gradually, but be careful - do not boil.
Stir the hemp protein and essential oil into the thick mixture.
Use your hand to form the desired shape - e.g. a ball. You can also use silicone moulds.
Let the finished solid shampoo sit for 2 days. It can be used for several months.
TIP: After washing, rinse your hair with acidic water (2-3 tablespoons BEWIT BIO Apple Cider Vinegar and 1 litre of water). It´ll do them good.