Essential creation | BEWITELLA RAW no bake balls


Running out of ideas for a healthy and quick snack? Don't know what snack to pack for your trip so you and your kids don't run out of energy halfway through?

Make a RAW balls that will surprise you with its excellent tasteand give you plenty of energy.

It will take you approximately half an hour. Success is guaranteed. The chocolate taste will please both, large and small.

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Preparation: 30 minutes
Difficulty: Easy
Usage: For cooking



2 cups of fine oatmeal

1.5 cups ground walnuts

0.5 cup ofBEWIT Organic Chia Seeds

0,5 cup of agave syrup

Nuts or seeds for coating 


In a larger bowl, pour the oats, add the ground nuts and chia seeds.

Mix this loose mixture thoroughly.

Pour in agave syrup and then BEWITELLA.

Mix everything together until a compact mass is formed.

Divide the mass into parts - according to the desired size and number of balls. Form each piece into a ball and roll in ground nuts or seeds.

Place the finished balls in the fridge for at least half an hour to allow all the ingredients to combine nicely.

Our tip: Instead of nuts you can use BEWIT BIO Peeled Hemp seeds to increase the nutritional value .