BEWIT was awarded a gold medal for the dietary supplement PRAWTEIN Carbon Elixir
From 17 to 18 June 2023, BEWIT participated in the 6th International Congress of Alternative Medicine in Bucharest. The congress is organised by the UPMCA (Union of Professionals of Complementary and Alternative Medicine).
The most interesting information concerning the field of alternative medicine is presented at the congress. At the end of the meeting, the UPMCA Board of Experts will present an award.
The dietary supplement BEWIT PRAWTEIN Carbon Elixir and its manufacturer BEWIT received the highest award - the gold medal.
BEWIT was represented byGeorge Cernusca , country manager for the Romanian market.
Professional organisationof complementary and alternative medicine professionals , which brings together all complementary medicine professionals in Romania, regardless of specialisation and mode of practice.
The UPMCA is responsible for the organisation and control, approval and training of alternative medicine therapists in Romania. The UPMCA has several hundred members.
About BEWIT Natural Medicine, s.r.o.
BEWIT is a purely Czech company that produces and supplies essential oils of certified therapeutic quality (CTEO®), natural holistic cosmetics and other natural products supporting a healthy lifestyle. It always promotes and strives for the most respectful approach to the natural environment. Their products are based on essential oils. It tests their purity and composition in its own laboratory.