Significant days
How to enjoy a lovely Valentine’s Day
Significant daysThe holiday of all lovers, Valentine’s Day, is celebrated on February 14. Ever year, we see a pile of beautifully wrapped sweets and roses of the…
International Women’s Day on 8 March | Discount code
Significant daysInternational Women's Day, falls on 8 Marchand brings an opportunity to celebrate the uniqueness of all women. This important holiday is an annual…
Mabon: Time for personal growth | Autumn Equinox 23 Sep.
Significant daysMabon offers an opportunity to pause, immerse yourself in your own thoughts and share the joy with family and friends. The autumnal equinox opens a…
Lammas: Celebration of Motherhood and Fertility | Harvest Festival 1. 8.
Significant daysAround the 1st of August, nature is at the peak of its fertility, crops are ripening in the fields and we celebrate the Harvest Festival - Lammas.…
Litha | Summer Solstice 21. 6.
Significant daysThe summer solstice is a magical moment. The longest day of the year is upon us, when the Sun reaches its highest point in the sky. Our ancestors…
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